The Reset Bonus Scandal: Lessons for EE Warriors

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, May 29, 2013.

  1. Oh look Philo, looks like my facts were checked son.
  2. Are you 12 ^
  3. Question... "KoW and original allies exploit" can someone pm me what that was? Thanks lol.

    Nice thread also. Lots of work put into it
  4. Immature kids now a days saying stuff like that
  5. Phil,

    My first reply in two years. /:)!

    The most interesting part of your thread is you have introduced to many young KAW players
    the reality of how the WORLD works. If I agree with every thing you stated above or not
    is not the main importance. What is important
    is for some, you have pulled back the curtain
    of the Magic Game of KAW, and found the PUPPET MASTER named GREED!

    The goal of KAW and almost all business in the world of today is PROFIT, sure fun and competition is important to the owners but the end game is about PROFIT.

    One area Phil I most agree with you on is this.
    If your drive in KAW is to be a LB player
    or to have the most BFA you have missed out
    on what the DEVS can never take away. The
    Excitement of War (whatever kind you like), the great conversations we have , and the felling of community. These are truly the joys
    of KAW.

  6. Nicely written thread. Once i started reading, i couldn't stop. Plus,
  7. Phil you are sadly mistaken. Reset bonus was in the game LONG before highlands came out. Fact is they were available before T4. That's right noob, I said BEFORE T4 came out. and before the damn plunder wars.
    Don't like it ? suck it ! I've got them and they were hard earned.
    You know what it took back then to gather the funds needed to do 4 resets and get back to Build Complete ? Doubt it because you hadn't discovered KaW yet.
    Go back to your bias war reporting. At least you only partially fail doing that. Your complaining in forum is beginning to get old.
  8. Could you reset in 2009? Yes! Of course you could.

    We're the devs actively encouraging people to reset in 2009 by offering bonuses?

    No they weren't. The whole reset and get presents came later.


    You obviously have not read the thread. If you did, you would see I am asserting nothing of what you claim I am.
  9. Phil. They wheren't pointing out that you could in '09 but that the bonuses where there in '09z
  10. What we need is to find that old thread where the devs were encouraging people to reset. That should settle the issue. I haven't had any luck
  11. It's probably forever lost now
  12. Either way, the main point of the article is the removal of the bonuses by ATA. All of those wetting themselves over when they started are missing the point.
  13. Not just the option to reset, but also the game completion bonuses are much older phil, atleast dont argue something you are obviously wrong about.

    And swabia, that is what devs did, they let everyone that had bonuses keep them but removed option for new players to get them, except the ally slots which were taken.
  14. And the thread was probably removed, only ones left are about game completions.
  15. Um. I'm opposed to those bonuses being removed after the way they handled it. Why don't you petition to remove the two rare pro packs as well as any perm items we can't all get at the snap of the fingers phil..
  16. I stripped to GH and I don't regret it at all.

    I started to get bored with kaw. It wasn't that fun. The EE provided me with a reason to change my build and spice up my game.

    Even if all the equipment are the crappiest of the bunch, I only spent $5 all season.
  17. The thread is still there and the devs announced the reset bonuses on friday dec4 2009
  18. Page 8 of the news section
  19. i remember reset bonuses (i got a couple on another account) and they were pretty awesome. but now, im confused on whether or not the devs actually took everything away.

    1. Did they remove both the ally slot bonuses and the equip bonuses. for example, if I were to reset right now would i get anything.

    2. did they retroactively remove them from existing accounts, or just offset them through the "buy extra slots" at oracle. like does my alt still have the bonuses.