The Reset Bonus Scandal: Lessons for EE Warriors

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, May 29, 2013.

  1. and as phil says no need to panic over these new items. Better one be out in 12 months lol.

  2. You bet. definitely. The real idiots are all those builds who stripped to guld hansels just so they can get into a strong clan. Man are they going to regret that.
  3. Ikr when becoming a reg hansel does the job good ;)
  4. Those builds that stripped to guild hansel can easily save 1 tril in a month doing b2b haunts, so I doubt they will regret it. Once you have land. Grow is not that time consuming.

  5. It costs a lot more than 1 trillion to convert a guild hansel into a HLBC spy.
  6. I don't agree they should be taken away at this point. Nor do i agree with how they handled this particular issue. What was the old write up... Something about reset bonuses for first four resets will always be a part of this game to earn..
    Any ways. It'll always be the money spenders. Any who find an unplanned "loophole" that doesn't gain them $ will suffer in the end if they use it (although spy builds aren't supposed to be here and they are..).
    People whine, things get tweaked, more suffer but we have to suck it up because it was an "exploit". This is very barely worth discussing any more. I feel currently. That Ata is working to push out any one from say.. Before pw's.
    Our opinions are obsolete. To old school because some of us aren't fluffy eb fairy, throw ton's of $ at the game , bobble headed , opinionless , yes man player base..
    The "name the red pally eq" and "important poll"'s made me laugh my ass off.. They didn't really care just smoothing the ruffled fur after the sheep mass players caught on atas promises are close to meaning dirt..

    Any ways mind not my ramble Tl;dr Ata are money leaches.
  7. This is the best thread you have written Phil.

    And you present an incredibly valid point

    I remember a time when it didn't matter how much money you spent, the Devs cared and catered to all players. That changed for the worse over time.

    It's almost a polar opposite.

    KaW is now ATA (and their chosen players) vs The Players
  8. Lady is right. And Phil. My point is that it doesn't take so long to save alot of gold ss a guild hansel.
  9. I mostly agree with op. With the foresight to see how these bonuses would play in my future of KaW, I did 15 resets in total for the 1000 ally slots. I was pissed when they got knocked down to 550, but soon got over it with the huge nob compensation. With those nobs I got the rest of the perm items (can you say HUGE bonuses now?). Should the reset equips disappear, I won't waste anymore time, effort or $. Kind of tired of the Monday Morning Quarterbacking that are the devs these days...
  10. The Land Complete Reset Bonuses became available in October 2009. Back then the Player Base was too small to support accounts nesting at the top of the Leaderboard and feasting on new Players so the Developers gave us a carrot to Reset and run through the board again. It was commonplace for a Kingdom to reach #1 on the Leaderboard, spend a day basking in the glory of their achievement, and then Reset. This was great for the game but the practice stopped right around the time Crystals and Nobility became available for purchase in 2010 and the thought of throwing real money away by Resetting your Leaderboard Account became too difficult to stomach.

    Good times.
  11. I'm still ticked that my brother got my account into his phone (I had three reset items, and a nice size of ally slots), but hearing that they could just take the reset items on a whim... It kind of rustles my jimmies, as I was going to turn his inactivity into a good, heavy-hitting alt. I think I also recall then making a thread on then going to release the reset items again soon? Or am I imagining false memories?
  12. I was definitely a little chapped when they made ally slots buyable. They will probably do the same thing to the EE eq.
  13. @ gerty

    It takes a good 4-5 months if you are just hitting EBs without xstals or nobs. During that time all the builds that don't have to convert their lands are builing up bfas that dwarf any benefit these new items will give us.

  14. Sad but true. Bascally, what the top ten wants, the top ten gets. The top ten wanted more ally slots (a top ten player now has about 300-350 allies) so they got them. Screw all those who actually earned the right.

    At the time many people were pissed about the reset items, but they should have been even more pissed about the selling of ally slots.
  15. lol Kaw_admin is presently reading this thread. He's been quite the fan of my work.
  16. I reckon you're all massively over thinking this... the devs can't see the future, they don't know how any of the changes they make will turn out long term. They're just a bunch of guys working in an office that got lucky. This game is how they earn money, It's how they feed their families. If they want a pay rise all they have to do is write some new code and see how it works in the long run.

    You play this game because it's fun, right? So if you're not having fun anymore then why are you still playing? :roll:
  17. Have people really spent thousands of dollars on this game? Wow, wish I didn't have other things to spend my money on
  18. *has reset bonuses
  19. it wont amaze me when eq starts getting sold.
    I can't say i agree with the code statement there. it's one thing to gradually make it so their pay checks raise & their customer base goes up and stays on that steady upward incline . it's getting soft and going all fluff so long as the pockets get lined.
    I mean hell our upstanding role model mod's are no where near to the same.. standards they used to be (its a volunteer job so lets not start). It's not the same and it's probably not going to get much better. half a bone every 6 months or so and we stay.
  20. Honestly, my 450 ally slots haven't helped me. :lol:

    All I held was a single MP ally. :lol: