The build is extremely inefficient. Wasted lands, gives up lots if plunder and doesn't make much at all.
The information here is Completely wrong .Example defense towers wouldn't kill hansels most hansels do not attack they assassnate spy defense towers would be a waste because any Quality hansel would scout bomb it.THEREFORE THIS IS NOT A HANSEL KILLER!
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Someone lock this thread, it's Anyone who argues with him is ordered to leave the thread, and this build he's talking about, a hansel killer? oh... So 2.3 mil static defence will stop a T5 bc hansel will it? Ok heck, you wouldn't even need to be T5 bc to stop this guild hansel tower build
A build like this is just asking to get destroyed in ee wars, look at this guy, why is anyone listening to him anyway? Lol
OP.. Puhweese turn your starless alt into this "killer build" - you'll be my highest paying farm ever
Lol. I created this build... I told PR in Guilds Inc to go it, and a few worms followed suit with me and we had about 10 GHT's, but decided to drop them. Now look, there's many GHT in almost every EE clan.
Op, this is your second thread that I've seen trying to "help" the kawmunity. While its nice to see people attempting to help, your clear lack of knowledge is only detrimental to your attempts. I ask you again, to please work on your build, travel around a few well known clans, increase your knowledge base before posting another thread. The amount of negative comments you receive on these "help" threads should be a clear indication that you aren't contributing in the way you are hoping to.