I walk out of the lower decks stretching. "What happened? Dangit I missed something big didn't I" I say dissapointed.
"Nothing happened." I say in my normal voice. "Nothing of importance at least." Dark whispers. (I need a name for him..)
(CoS = Maelstrom) (Camo = LoneStar) I wake up, again, after Being unsuccessful and feel the aura in the air. Glancing wearily at the blade I begin putting my weapons in the Memory Box. "I just can't let go of this... Sword..." I leave the blade out as I finish. Geh... I'll just carry it with me. I still have that dagger sheathe for it.
"Oh, hey Tess." I say, steering the ship towards the mountains. "How can you like her?!" The darkness hisses inside my mind.
“Seriously!” I yell, teleporting to the ship. “Y'all are ruining the entire trip. We're supposed to be in Sãu Paulo but y'all have everyones luggage!”
I hear Alekandre and throw on my hoodie and steps into the main deck "We do?" I ask embarrassed of that fact.
"I'm pretty sure I dropped it off. If not, you can just teleport it there." I cringe, hoping yet another person doesn't join our small journey.
I yawn, putting the blade in it's sheathe "You said I wasn't on the field trip in the first place. I've no reason to be there. Other than stirring up memories." I mutter as I sit outside my cabin door.
I stay at the wheel, adjusting the course slightly, every so often. Darkness slowly begins creeping in my eyes but I try to fight it. "Everyone, indoors. NOW!" I hiss loudly, feeling it become stronger.
I look outside my cabin, wondering what happened while I was asleep. What's happening with Smighter's eyes? I walk up to Smighter and turn his around to face me, "What did I miss?"
"Go.. Away.. Hurry.. Inside." I whisper, pleading. "Stay outside and witness the horror I can create." He says.
I grab maelstrom and throws him into my cabin and I slam the door shut. "Don't ever do that!" leaning against the door I sit, waiting for the pain to come back from a dull throb to being shot with a poisoned arrow.
“Tess, If you look at pages 90-115 in this book which I've conveniently put our chats on, I told you the school chose you from our homeroom and myself to go on this trip.” I said.