The Proper Role-Play

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. I whisper to you, "What was it?" as I start climbing the ladder up to the ship.
  2. My eyes are wide, unblinking and glazed as you carry me to the ship. "Not knowing.... Accuracy.... Hesitate.... Paths... Rectitude" I mumble the same phrase I did when I was first on the boat.
  3. I stop. I throw you onto the ship and jump off, holding on the ladder to slow myself down on the way down. My eyes search the forest for anything abnormal. I see nothing so I slowly climb back up the ladder. When I make it up, I quickly unanchor and bring the ladder up, heading towards the mountains.
  4. I wince as I land on my back but I snap out of my trance "Th- the lady who Shot me I-in the shoulder" I murmur as I lean up against the ship wall.
  5. "Calm down. We're going to get your mother." I say, pulling and pushing levers as fast as I can. I then mumble, "We wouldve gotten there faster if you hadn't made us go here." I then hit my head in the railing, not liking the dark side of me.
  6. I narrow my eyes "We wouldn't have known she was alive if we hadn't stopped." I bare my teeth and walk to my cabin gripping my side.
  7. My dark side mumbles back, "That wouldn't have mattered cause she'd by safe by now." I, again, hit my head against the railing. "Sorry, Tess. It's becoming stronger."
  8. I lay down on my bed thinking of the girl I saw in the forest, wondering what she was doing. What if I'm just seeing things? She didn't say anything...
  9. My head starts throbbing, dark thoughts entering my brain. Some appealing, some not so much. "Out of my head!" I growl to myself. I try to get out of that thinking state, but I'm locked in. "Oh no.." I say, able to see through my eyes but not able to do anything. Darkness sweeps over my mind, and I open the door your room. I then walk over to you and kiss you, keeping you tight near me. "COME ON STUPID DARKNESS!" I yell inside of my mind.
  10. I pull away frightened and jumps up quickly trying to open the memory box but the Darkness' aura mixing with mine pained the scar and I crouch down.
  11. I smile menacingly and grab your hands, kissing you once more. Inside my head, I watch, angry at myself. "Gr..." I growl. I watch myself keeping your arms in my own tight grip, keeping you from opening the memory box.
  12. I continue trying to pull away, faint memories passing thru my mind as I remember shifting to all animals.
  13. With one arm, still holding your hands, I move it towards your back. I pull away quickly to say, "Dont try to resist me." I then return to kissing you.
  14. I continue trying to pull away as the pain in my scar worsens. I become desperate I close my eyes, concentrating really hard, no longer aware of anything around me, yet what's out there, not close to me.
  15. My dark side doesn't care, in fact he's more aggressive. "Do NOT fight back. Give in.. You'll love it. You'll love me." I grin, trying to make you give in.
  16. I don't hear him, my hair slightly becoming darker the longer my eyes are closed, my fingers slowly, very slowly, becoming wolf paws.
  17. I feel you slowly become a wolf and frown, not afraid. "Big bad wolf? Turn human again." My dark side hisses.
  18. I couldn't finish the transformation and I become human again as I growl, still trying to pull away from your grip. "Get away!" I snarl.
  19. "Not until you accept me, oh beatiful kitty cat." My dark side says, kissing your neck.
  20. "I won't accept you!" I hiss back through bared teeth.