I bring the orb Vin's in to me and as soon as it reaches me I make it soak into the ground. "Got anything to make a camp with?" I ask. "We have a djinn that won't let us on that skyship that we're following so we have to set up camps till we get to where they land." I add a hint of irritation to my voice at the word djinn.
I have some food, non-perishable, and two ribs of steak from Tess's house, encased in a magical Ice-cube box.
I lean my back against the Orb, messaging to you, "I'll be sleeping for the night, pretty tired. See you tomorrow." G'night all!
"Not hungry... Thanks anyways." I mumble softly, sitting on the edge of the ship, watching clouds drift like flying sheep but softer
I shrug and bring you a plate if you change your mind. I then see you looking at the clouds. "Beautiful, huh?"
I sit down next to you and ask quietly. "Are you willing to tell me more about your past? It... Would help. A lot."
"If you really need me to. Just let me go get something." I get up and grabs the sword u crushed with the Smammer.
"Ok. As I was saying, I left the village. I ran into the forest, unknowing of what to do. I sat up in a tree, clearing my mind and looked down. A searching patrol, I'd barely gasped before I caught myself. They were yelling into the forest. Warning me away. They said they'd find me. I never thought they'd suspect Me."
"But they must've saw the look in my Father's eyes. My Father's name was Kohan. My Mother's name was TaiRhi." I murmur their names "Anyways, I made false trails. After a few days I finally came down, I hunted, cooked it all that stuff."
"As you saw, I built a shelter. The same as I made down there." nods at the old shelter "And lived there for many moons. I finally made my leave after I came into the town when I looked completely different and heard people whispering about the name, I felt them glaring at me. I just snarled at them and left there as well after looking at my old house. No one touched the bodies. Because of the curse insignia. They watched Me go in and walk out, alive."
Tiger was sent to kill me, I stopped her, we're going to the person who is seeing her, and camo is trying to make it into where you are. That's about it.