I whisper into your ear. "I'm truly sorry.." I kiss you on the cheek, seeing them looking at us suspiciously. "HEY! What're you two doing out here?!" One of the catchers yells. "Just a couple out on a walk." I smile weakly, plans running through my mind if they figure out.
I hiss at you. "Don't! They're already suspicious enough! It doesn't help to walk away from them!" I slow us down, heading us at an angle towards their side. I hear them whispering as we get closer and whisper under my breath. I then kiss you full on, surprising you. I keep my ears trained for any more whispers.
I hear them stop and slowly pull away, smiling, half fake, half real. We continue walking at the angle and I hear some whistles coming from the catchers.
I narrow my eyes, holding down the anger till we reach our destination. "Grrrrr" is the only word I say on the way.
I look behind us casually and take the cowl off of you. "We're clear." I say. "Just don't talk too loud."
I put the cowl back in my pocket and start heading in the direction of the StormRider, not carrying Tess anymore and hoping she would follow me, not kill me. I keep my ears trained for any movement and eyes on a swivel. I start seeing how to get up to it, and devise a plan of what I'll do when I get on the ship.
Sits in Moscow bored to tears. I hone my element power more and become much stronger with the time alone. Still yearning to get to Sau Paulo. I send out a messenger orb that drops a letter in front of Smighter. "Dear Smighter or Tess," it starts "please get me out of this God Forsaken boredom hole of Moscow. I'm sick of not being able to do anything. Sincerely, JL" I wait for the orb to return with a letter from Smighter or Tess, till then the orb follows them, now indestructible thanks to honing my element powers.
I limp over to Lonestar, crutch and all. "So, how you doing? If you're going to Sãu Polo, can I hitch a ride? I'm bored as hell down here."
"Yeah, one problem. A retarded djinn keeps teleporting me back." I look up and encase healing water around your legs healing the bones and nerves needed to let you walk normally again. "You should be more comfortable now." I say as the water finishes it's job and slashes into a puddle at my feet.
"Ugh stupid orb.." By now I've reached the ship, not k owing if Tess has made it. I create a metal box, no seams, no nothing, and trap the orb inside. Before I do this I yell. "STOP SENDING THESE THINGS!! I don't know how to get you here without Alekandre knowing, and I don't even know where he is!" I close the box, seal it thoroughly, and throw it in the forest somewhere. "Annoying little orb." I mutter. I then climb the ladder to the ship, surprised nothing has been taken. I look for Tess and wait for her to get on.
Wait- scratch that. Make it so the letter says.. "Stop sending these things! I don't know where Alekandre is, and don't think I can get you here." I seal the envelope and give it to the orb. "Glad to be rid of that thing.." I mutter from the deck of the ship.
I send another one just to be funny and make this one have spikes that would cut you if you touched it. You hear my laugh once when it reaches you and makes it divide into two and follow you and Tess.
... I create a box of metal again, the water not able to scratch it. "Stop. I'm getting really annoyed with you." I hiss.
Sends a replica of the metal box out of eater and keeps it hovering above your head. In a short message I say "Get me there and I'll stop practical joking with ya permanently" After I finish the message I make the water drench you and in the rush of water I also whisper "I'm watching you and Tess very closely. I have improved my element power by 180 times"