“Deserteous.” I whisper. The ground becomes parched. I can see JL still going slow back there. I see him weaken. No moisture will be in the air wherever we travel so he can't follow us.
I land and keep running. "Son of a nutcracker," I mumble (lol Elf reverence with Will Ferrell in it) I keep pace with the ship hoping someone will convince Alekandre to calm the heck down and let me board.
Nope. You aren't in pace. I cast a super slow speed spell on you and I castes Desertious. We left you in the dust.
"Feather, we can't just leave him there." I say, worried that lonestar won't make it back to the city.
I keep following until the spell warded off and then run as fast as possible till I get back to the shadow and start a steady jog. I yell up to Smighter, "DROP THE FRIGGIN ANCHOR!"
My spells don't wear off. They are reinforced with the power of djinni. “Etherl Jonathan Lonestar Moscow, Russia, riverbank Ophelia.” I whisper. “He's in his house now.” I say, looking at the setting sun.
Nope, you can't run. I used allegro. You can't liquidize either. All the moisture=sucked from the air.
No. I'm using my powers. If you need to talk, talk in cc. This is for not OOC. RP CLOSED TIL SMIGHTER GETS ON AND TESS!
Galloping towards the city, the moon lighting my way... Climbing up the walls and stabbing then eating the guards... Knock over a lamp post and let it burn on a house... Catching fire onto another house... Children and adults screaming as I mercilessly cut through them... Knives, swords, and arrows barely hurting me...
Werewolves are good not bad. And you can't avoid the moonlight anyway. It's bound to get you somehow. They don't go on rampages.
Ummm, read books about werewolves. Most people, once they're transformed, lose control of themselves and go to kill the nearest thing/things. And if you are in a place where no direct moonlight will reach you, you won't transform...
Whatever. I've done my research. Get the **** off my thread f you have a problem because in this book, werewolves are good.
I agree that maybe they don't go on rampages, but I though they lose control of themselves, become a primal beast... But I'm fine... Scratch my latest... 3 posts... I get into a tent and go to sleep...
I sit up on the boat wishing Smighty would hurry up and get on as I walk in agitated circles. "Doo Doo Doo Doo!"
Ugh! I had a semi-nice sleep with the djinni. Flying above the ship, the wind in my curly hair. My djinn anchored to the ship. Except when birds tried to attack us. Enemy djinn that is. I mean seriously! Birds! What lame level djinn they were.