The Proper Role-Play

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. "wait what about the water guy..." gulp "ok water boy you may have sone fancy tricks but I have some too. Marcus let's himself again be taken by the vampiric spirit within. He grins wanna dance let's dance he punches the human in the face then takes out his falchion and prepares to duel
  2. Ok lonestar "didn't I hear that name in a cheesy star wars spoof" Marcus mocks as he takes a stab at lodestars chest
  3. I left a note on a table of all three houses, mine, Tess's, and Alekandre's, saying:

    I will be on the uppermost level of my house working on something. Do not disturb me unless you HAVE GOT TO.

  4. Ooc who is Alekandre?
  5. OOC

  6. "c'mon lonestar can u handle this or are you gonna wimp out"
  7. Your hand slides off the side of my face and I simply flick you the bird and a hand of water grabs your falchion and magnum and throws it into a forest.

    "You sure you wanna? You seem unarmed now." I give a short bark of laughter.
  8. Before I throw your weapons with the hand of water, your falchion makes a grating noise and slides off to the side of my body not even touching me.
  9. "well well goodthing those were under warranty" he takes out a flask filled out with emergency blood supply after a quick drink he says " so what you can use water I'm a freaking vampire lord" as he dashes to retrieve his falchion. He hastily grabs it and takes a quick stab at lonestars face
  10. Marcus. Laughs you can't beat me I can't beat you how bout we call it a day and pick it up at 5:00who knows maybe even catch a dinner and a movie
  11. I raise my hand and makes the handle of the falchion freezing cold where it'd give you frostbite and freeze your hand to it if you don't drop it as I bend backwards kicking your flask from your hand, then completes the flip grinning at you.
  12. Ooc make* dang it I'm making so many spelling errors :p
  13. "guess il take this as a no then oh well you can't blame a guy for trying" Marcus then exclaims" oh come on you good guys think your all that with your fancy powers but I got something better charisma:) he turns on his vamp charm and watches with delight as nearby pasents rush lonestar. Marcus retreats Again back to his house alarming his soldiers that possibly alot of angry Moscow people will be banging down the gates
  14. I simply blend into the crowd and follow Marcus, smirking.

    OOC- check my character signup about the blending in thing lol.
  15. Marcus hears a soldier yell sir the water boy he's coming
    Marcus looks through his bog book of all things vamp and realizes he can poision people so he loads a poisoned bullet and shoots the waterboy in the head and watches it sharer his little shield
  16. OOC

    The soldier wouldnt know cause he blended in. 
  17. I smile and simply rebuild a stronger barrier and shoot a 100 large spikes of water at your soldiers and yell to you
    "OI, I ain't here to kill ya, just makin sure you ain't getting into trouble, better think before I kill all your soldiers because of your stupidity."
  18. Ooc he's not invisible and they're trained to spot out enemies
  19. OOC

    Never mind. *facepalm* (/_•)>
  20. "Soldiers fall back inside the house! Il handle this, why do u keep following me over me feeding I'm sorry if im not gonna die!"