Finishes clearing the rubble, grabs Damon's arm and pulls him up. "Well I'll take you to the hospital. Then Alekandre and Smighter can take care of you from there. I ain't got the money to pay for med. Bills"
OOC Does anyone read my posts? BIC I help clear the rubble off also, destroying bigger chunks that would be hard to clear off.
"I think I can take care of that." I sigh, "Although that will mean I'll need to take a bit of money from my ale savings..."
OOC >.> BIC I (better) help the stranger get to a hospital. There, I pay the bills and go back to my own house. I see the rabbit on the 8th floor, and i set some food out for it.
"Many thanks, to the both of you." I take Tess's match with my free arm and light the pipe clenched between my teeth. "I didn't catch your names."
OOC Err... ^_^'' oops! BIC I walk on The other side of Damon, keeping an eye out for possible enemies. Smighter takes him into the hospital and I walk back to my house Smighty built for me.
BIC I am waiting patiently at Tess' house, pouring myself some merbal tea or magic herbal tea. “So,” I say sternly,“You leap out of my arms for another man? I was gonna help him eventually...” What's wrong with me? I ask myself mentally. She doesn't even notice me the way I notice her...
"Hey, you were off doing something... In my defense..." I say playfully. "I can never thank Smighter enough for this house." looks at house wonderingly "Well. At least it keeps my sheltered" grins and sips at the cup of tea. "I thought of getting a job."
BIC I wait patiently for Alekandre's reply as I watch the snow fall faster, and the sun start setting as the bright white moon, covered with clouds, starts to rise
BIC I walk out of the house and see lights on in Tess's. I walk over and knock on the door, waiting patiently for a open of the door or none at all.