The Proper Role-Play: Signups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Ok. I was wondering why color skin. I meant pale skin in and large pupils in human form. Is that fine, or do werewolves in human form have dark skin?
  2. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    I thought it didnt matter but it's not up to me
  3. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    You just havent been approved. Not denied but neither.
  4. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    I dont think human skin effects the werewolves form
  5. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Iron, are you a vampire?
  6. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Yeah he is.
  7. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    When do you think I will be approved?
  8. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

  9. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    When feather says so. XD
  10. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Ok what time is he on
  11. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Rejected for lack of correct format and disobeying the rules even when I hadn't accepted. You didn't post 3-4 sentences on your posts in the rp which is one of the few rules.
  12. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    ^ Now.
  13. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Um yes I did-.^ I'm on my iPod I can't tell 3-4 lines :$
  14. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    3-4 sentences....
  15. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    I recall hearing that while asking or talking to a character you can use 1 or more sentences, is that correct?
  16. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Truthfully I added it all over two post and I have an iPod so this post is about 3 lines. I am sorry and I won't post in your forums again unless you try to talk to me
  17. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    What exactly is feathers name?
  18. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    His character, I mean.
  19. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Last post from me:
    1.)Multiple people don't use over 2lines

    2.)in writing you can put two sentences in a paragraph if the finich each other of if there is and action in between EX: "hello..."pulls of scythe" how are you"

    3.)I put my required info. In two posts cause I didnt read the first page I read the 2nd-.-
  20. Re: The Proper Role-Play: Role-Play and Signups

    Why do I seem to die alot in this rp it's like hey guess what while your iPod was charging we killed you!