Well then... I never got a yes or no from feather... Read back over 3 times (page surfing over 28 pages isn't fun, do it 3 times)... Please get back to me on this
Iron... You can't necessarily be a "Grammar Nazi" (now "Grammar Unicorn"), unless you have some ties with German descent... Personally, my mother is German, so I can be a proper Grammar Unicorn. Also, when I see something spelled wrong, it nags at me... A lot. You are just doing it for the attention, not the actual meaning. And Feather... What was that with you screaming your "Ethrel" teleporting thing at me? Also, in German the words "thing" and "stuff" are explained... Quite literally as: Words for stupid people. Though I don't care... You can kiss my ass Duetch dictionary!
What exactly are you guys doing in the RP? It's kind of boring in Moscow... And my character is stuck, because I have no idea what the **** Featherhunter screamed at my character....