The Problem With Player Mods

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Jaffa-Cakes, Jan 8, 2017.

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  1. I criticized both systems.

    I made one mention of Apoc mods. It is you who appears to be infatuated by my using their historically high mod population as a reference point for potential adversarial behaviour.
  2. "I don't like the team being called into question is all."

    This is an issue. You simply must be held to account via questioning your actions/effectiveness.
    Unless you have something you don't want picked up/unearthed through scrutiny?
    (Your=the mod team.)
  3. Love mods, but i support u
  4. Mmmmm conspiracies. Nothing to hide here. I like the team I work with. Therefore I would imagine anyone of us would stick up for each other. That's actually something you'd want in a team. A team that doesn't work well together will never be on the same page and it would be chaos.

    I never said any of your points weren't valid. I just simply inserted my opinion.
  5. So, just to clarify. You do not want mods to face some form of scrutiny via the wider kaw playebase?
  6. Here's the main thing that people need to understand...
    Mods aren't perfect. We know this. You know this. It's not up for debate everyone makes mistakes which is why there's a team. If we make a decision you don't agree with you take it up with support and they will very happily fix any wrongdoings we have done. We will hear from them if we are seen to be abusing our position as well so mods are very accountable for their actions.

    What you are suggesting however is not a viable solution as bypasses are made to get around the system through means which humans will understand but a system will not. That's why a bypass is a bypass. There's a system in place already to prevent spam and profanity but players get around it on a regular basis through human means. That's why a human is needed in some form or another to enforce the rules.
  7. Ha. Clarify it however your mind conceives it. We will always have scrutiny. From people who can't understand when they do wrong and don't want to accept that they did wrong.
  8. I did not suggest that the system should be changed to an automated system...I simply criticized both systems.
  9. Can I ask what the point of this thread is?
    Is it purely a criticism of all forms of moderation?
    Are you looking for solutions? or simply a dialogue about different possible systems for maintaining a family environment within the player communication channels?
    Are you just going to quote my message repeat the same mantra as the other posts you've had?

    I get it, player moderators have faults as do robot-mods. Is that it? Thread done?
  10. I attempted to open up a dialogue.(see the last half paragraph) However the condescension presented by yourself and Spock has forced me to repeat myself. If you would like to further a dialogue on the issues, and benefits, of a player mod system, all you have to do is lose the passive aggressive nature.

    However you are a mod. Thus bias is present. To dismiss that would show great ignorance.
  11. There's no condescension at all! I was simply clarifying in order to make a measured response.

    If anything, it's your own bias that is coming through by assuming the tone of my message.
  12. Edited to make the final paragraph more clear in its intentions.
  13. Thank you :) that makes it clearer!
  14. I interpreted condescension. The same way you interpreted my appareant 'bias'...regarding condescension I was referring more to Spock, however you are not inapplicable in this regard.
  15. Don't mind them, they're just looking for a and hoping to create a reason to lock your thread.

    Ideally they would use a combination of mod bots with a few actual employees monitoring them and moderating as well. Individual players should report violations to those channels for in game issues. The player mods have repeatedly shown why it's a bad idea and the inherent bias they consistently have. However, as I posted earlier, you can't argue against the cost effectiveness of using players and giving them a green name as compensation.
  16. Hmm we'll consider this an impasse because your belief of my condescension is flawed and I'll accept my belief in your bias may also be flawed.

    All I will say about the op (bringing it back to the point, now I know what the point is) is that the moderator team works as it does because of how we all operate. If there is something that looks biased we do tend to discuss it between ourselves and come to a decision.

    If things are incorrect or borderline then are more than happy to answer the playerbase's queries and if mods are found to be doing things incorrectly then we are definitely told about it and told to shape up. Is it a perfect system? Of course not. But there is already an automated moderating system in place in wc with the filter for spam and swears.

    Humans are needed to catch the stuff the bypasses the automatic system. Is the team perfect? No.

    Is it one of the better teams we've had? Obviously, I'm in it :cool:
  17. The only flaw I see is that modbots would be expensive as hell to maintain because like humans, they are breakable, even maybe.. Hackable? Besides why would the devs pay for something when they can get people who would do it for free? Devs love their money man.
  18. Someone is butt hurt
  19. Someone has nothing valuable to add.
  20. What did moose do?
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