The problem with Kaw

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Midget-Lover____, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Now if your talking about inactive devs resets, then yes, I think 100% refund is appropriate, that would actually help ally market in several ways I won't explain (take my word on it) and prevent backlash from the players who will (if you haven't already) experienced a dev induced inactive ally purge of the database; we used to call it "dev reset days"
  2. You'd create an alt to volley between two existing accounts you own. Once you volley it up to whatever amount you choose you'd reset it on whichever of your two accounts you'd like to get all the gold back on.
  3. I support but I doubt will anything will happen.
  4. Thanks :)
    We should find a way where there's no holes I guess :/ .......
  5. Support Midget for your passion in wanting this game to survive. What you have stated about new players is correct but as experienced players will have realised, this isn't the only flaw with this game. Kaw is a business now.

    One thing I would say in response to your post - instead of HTE these new player clans would need rotwb. Brand new players would not be able to hit HTE until a bit bigger.
  6. A player named shaggy would do this in GaW. He would always post on the walls of new players informing them about the game and inviting them to his gang (clan) and teaching them how to play. He made the game a lot better, even though devs still took it down. We need to start being like shaggy
  7. Before we ever had eb guides on forums, I used to do this at my noob clan to help my students. Some of which still play which is great
  8. Ok, i already know a lot of you will agree since hes a lb. Well, i do believe new players are needed. But the problem with new players is the trouble they bring, arguing, ignorance, inactive in wars. I would say maybe 40% of the new players ive seen in indi dont do this. So look, clans need new ee warriors because all the vets have places to go. But these new players bring a lot of trouble & training. We need specific classes of what a noob wants to learn in. Then bring info from forums or people themselves. More work could be put into this game. Ive seen much more complicated games. But lets face it PEOPLE LIKE GAMES WHERE THEY HAVE DECISIONS TO MAKE! And learning a specific thing is one.
  9. I've been playing this for five years, 2 years I wasn't active, because I never knew how to play the game, I still am noob, because there wasn't much help given, apart from what I got from the forums, the tutorial is terrible when you first start off too
  10. Don't need the 100% but the previous system of 60% was fine, although it did encourage a lot more stripping, which may or may not be a bad thing.
  11. Since frog loves to quote me, this one is for you:

    Raise max plunder much higher !

    I'll let frog add his 2 cents as to why lol
  12. Agree and support buddy
  13. support and support detailed tutorials
  14. I completely agree with this thread, I can't really think of any improvements as im half asleep but i like the sound of it :D
  15. What am really trying to say is.........I have no life, wise up child
  16. Before I have up my beginner clan and found my current clan I helped new players off the wc announcements. They want to play and learn otherwise they wouldn't have downloaded the game and they are willing to listen. Of the many I helped 25-30 are still playing actively. (I went insane of the boredom and couldn't fully dedicate me helping them anymore :/ )
  17. I'm pretty sure Kaw can't retain new players because today's youth can't be bothered to read instructions.