The poetry wars sign up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *lady-marian (01), Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Nice ryandon and bluejay! Very good!

    Anyone up for a battle?
  2. I don't have the time sorry
  3. Wanna battle ww?
  4. U can choose the topicif u want!
  5. Idc, u can pick.
  6. I dont really know...



    I don't have any ideas! 
  7. I'll judge. I'll jus see who I think is best then u see. I jus wan see then.

    topic : a growing tree
  8. A growing tree? Sounds hard! I'll find a way to make that depressing, I always do!
  9. I decided that u r pros and I suck.
    so I picked a hardish topic
  10. A growing tree is sad to see
    knowing being cut down
    is the fate for thee
    a growing tree what a sight to see
    a sad sight of a growing tree

    imagine one aging without a care
    contrasting green in the midnight air
    some may be filled with glee
    but a aging tree gives sorrow to me
    what a sad sight to see
    the sight of a aging tree

    as I see a dying tree
    I keep anger away from the frontline of me
    I start to cry at the sight of a dying tree
    whereas it turns out that tree was me.
  11. Growing tree

    I'm thinking of a tree,
    As I dig a hole and drop in this seed,
    That will make a tree so strong,
    That no one can hurt it. 

    I've tended to my seed,
    That has sprouted out of the ground. 
    It's small and feeble, 
    I look after it,
    Like a little child. 

    It has been two years,
    Since I planted that tree. 
    It grew up with me,
    So big and strong. 
    It towers over my head,
    It's branches protect me from the summer sun. 

    It's been 10 years,
    The little seed I once knew,
    Is now a 20 foot tree. 
    The tree has been forgotten,
    There is no one to care for it. 

    50 years has passed by,
    I'm staring at the tree,
    I lay under my tree,
    Still protecting me from the summer sun,
    My tree shall never die,
    As long as I am here. 
  12. A pro? Me? Really? 

    Nice poem ryandon!!!
    (sry if I spelt it wrong)
  13. both great. nice ww. and other dude can't remember ur name sorry
  14. Here's mine! It sounds even better after reading ww's!

    A growing tree

    Can you believe that this tree,
    The tree you're climbing and swinging on,
    Was once just a tiny seed?
    But with time and love,
    It grew to be so big,
    It's much older than you and I,
    Yet we are the ones who love it now,
    We play on it, we dance around it,
    We share our love with this tree.

    Can you believe that this tree,
    This very tree you're reading under,
    Was once a as thin as a stick?
    But with time and love,
    It grew to be so tall and mighty,
    And grew enough branches to shade you,
    From the blinding sun,
    This tree we love and cherish,
    And our love will keep it alive.

    Can you believe that this tree,
    This very tree that we argue under,
    Was once a teenager much like us?
    But with time and love,
    It solved it's problems,
    And grew to be the largest tree,
    Let's argue somewhere else,
    We must love this tree,
    And keep it alive,
    For many years to come.

    Can you believe, that this tree,
    This very tree you laugh around,
    Was once a tiny seed?
    But with time and love,
    It grew so huge,
    This you tell our daughter,
    She sings and dances,
    And spreads the love,
    To keep the old tree alive.

    Can you believe that in this very spot,
    This very spot your standing,
    A mighty tree was once alive,
    Before you cut it down?
    It was a thing of memories,
    For generations,
    But got tossed aside,
    As if it had no meaning,
    I argued for it, and my daughter to,
    She cried when her favorite spot to play,
    Was demolished,
    And now it's just a spot of land,
    But the tree will live on in our memories,
    A tree that grew so tall and mighty,
    But was once a tiny seed.
  15. Ryan it's kinda sad. but happy cos it's what gonna happen