The poetry wars sign up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *lady-marian (01), Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Hey guys!!!! XDXD what's up?
  2. Empty box

    i sit in a room with no door.
    Inside a reflection with no mirrors.
    I converse with voices that speak nothing.
    With people who hold no companionship.
    Lonliness eternal is a fear
    that smolders somewhere within
    a faceless shadow
    that gnaws at my consciousness.

    In my dreams she will return
    in my nightmares i am awake.

    I search for an edifice on the wall
    for a mirror to keep my reflections.
    I recall the voice that once said something.
    The single person that filled my nights.
    Life without her is a fear
    that fractures my consciousness.
    A golden haired vixen
    that cries for my torment.

    In my sleep she has returned.
    In my wakings
    i sit in a room with no door.....
  3. Hope im not too late w that one. I had company.
  4. Any challenges tonight?
  5. Excellent as usual distance!!!! XD And I don't think any challenges are going on right now.
  6. Wanna go a round? Topic mirrors or boredome?
  7. We could even do starlight or something nighty
  8. Sorry!! I was feeding myself XPXP I'm feeling a night theme though!
  9. Cool time limit? Topic night.
  10. I'm up for a round
  11. Ok irin join in!!! And is the topic starlight or night? XD
  12. Starlight i like better
  13. Ya me too! Irin you good with that? XD
  14. Hihi legendary
  15. Is there a new topic yet??
  16. WW!!! XD join the starlight topic!!!
  17. Starlight wonder

    Clouds are creeping quiet under,
    Over folds of gentile mountains. 
    Watching eyes in starlight wonder. 
    Moonlights splash like shushing fountains. 
    Pinpoint stars in seas of darkness
    Seeping light from inky cover. 
    Highlights bringing shadow's starkness,
    Coat, caress embracing lovers. 
    Wind to whisper words of clutching,
    Branches catching also swaying. 
    Earth to sky in distance touching,
    Gods to lovers quiet praying. 
    Silent words of perfect twillight
    Rustles trees and sighs. 
    Engulfed absorbed in gentile highlight
    Shining in her eyes. 
  18. Geez. I left when I thought the topic was night to write my poem. Hope you guys don't mind if I still post it...?

    Fateful Summer Nights

    The nights warm breeze, the empty street,
    The cobblestone path, on my bare feet.
    It's raining now, but it feels so right,
    On this perfect summer night.

    The thunder crashes, the lightning shines,
    The trees are swaying, covered in vines,
    A night so different, from this one now.
    A perfect night? I don't see how.

    My hair is tossed, upon the breeze.
    A man has bent, now on one knee.
    He presants me a box, and my heart fills with joy,
    And I retuned to the night, when he was a boy.

    The rain drops stung on my bare pale skin,
    Each one hurting, each a sin,
    But I look to my left, and behold such a sight,
    A boy that was watching on that fateful summer night.

    I open the box now, and take out a ring,
    He puts it on my  hand, and my heart starts to sing.
    He asks me one short question, and I answer him, "yes!"
    And I see in his eyes, it's our night of success.

    I was wet, I was tired, I was crying with shame,
    But the boy crossed the street, and asked who was to blame?
    I gave him no answer, just wished with my might, 
    That he'd reach out his hand, on that wet summer night.

    He hold me so close now, and spins me around,
    The rain is so light, it makes hardly a sound,
    But I cry and I cry, and I whisper so light,
    "Remember that day? That cold summer night?"

    He held me so close then, just like he does now,
    I must start to wonder, but does it matter now? 
    I know that he loves me, I know we'll reach hieghts,
    I know that we'll always have our fatefull summer nights.
