Oh and I've always found the notion that 'all men are created equal' to be such a completely obvious pile of garbage.
Did you not read the news article written on this where it said jewish parents were the ones complaining. Hell Id complain too if my home land was under constant attack by a Arabic nation
People today are far too sensitive. Censorship for entirely unimportant things is rampant because everyone needs a thing to ***** about.
That would be the 'home land' that was the actual home land of the people who are now being brutally supressed, right? Its an absolute disgrace that jewish parents complained about the Pledge being said in arabic. Not all arabs are evil....and neither are all jews.
The melting pot has been closed since 9/11? I'm an immigrant, and i came to america in 2008. Melting pot does not close nor does it open. It does not necessarily mean 'welcoming or allowing immigrants to america' because the term is now used as a classification of a whole different races in one continent, i.e america.
Yes don I saw news article's about this from several sources. No I don't think it was right to complain about the pledge being said in arabic just because they were Jewish. They wouldn't have complained if it had been said in Yiddish or Hebrew I suspect. No complaints were made about German or Japanese being used.
Yes, the Declaration of Independence mentions the word God and Creator. The declaration is not the founding document of our government. The Constitution is. Neither God or Jesus are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Nor are they mentioned in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution mentions religion twice. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" 1st Amendment "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." Article Six This establishes what Jefferson referred to as "a wall of separation between church and state.” America was not founded on a religion. It was founded with religious freedom, which also includes freedom from religion. Americans can worship, or not worship as they choose. The government and government institutions are to be neutral.
Actually, you have it backwards. It's the religious fanatics that are the cry babies. The atheists are merely demanding their rights. Per the constitution, government is supposed to be neutral with regards to religion. Public schools, courthouses, and other government institutions are not supposed to promote one religion over another. Yet for many years in many places they have. Now that some groups are going to court demanding that it stop, religious fanatics are crying about a "war" on religion. My ass. They weren't supposed to get special treatment in the first place. They've been getting special treatment for so long now they seem to think they're entitled to it. They aren't. BTW, I'm an agnostic.
No, it's saying not to confuse god (religion) and the state (government). Yes, it is endorsing all of the religions which only have one god. Complete discriminations against those who have different views (this being no god, or multiple god's). If you think "god's" word should be followed, why aren't you endorsing slavery and/or the violent treatment of infants? It does say that in your "word of god." It's a prayer to the state, endorsing religion. I assume simple logic and reasoning are not your strong points. Or, at least, I hope they aren't.
I'm pretty sure that most if not all people who signed the Declaration of Independence were either Christian raised in a Christian home or converted before their death so my statement about the U.s.a being founded on the concept of a Christian nation still stands
John Adams SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; JUDGE; DIPLOMAT; ONE OF TWO SIGNERS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS; SECOND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1 Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.2 John Quincy Adams SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES; DIPLOMAT; SECRETARY OF STATE; U. S. SENATOR; U. S. REPRESENTATIVE; “OLD MAN ELOQUENT”; “HELL-HOUND OF ABOLITION” My hopes of a future life are all founded upon the Gospel of Christ and I cannot cavil or quibble away [evade or object to]. . . . the whole tenor of His conduct by which He sometimes positively asserted and at others countenances [permits] His disciples in asserting that He was God.6 Benjamin Franklin SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION; DIPLOMAT; PRINTER; SCIENTIST; SIGNER OF THE CONSTITUTION; GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and His religion as He left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see.29 The body of Benjamin Franklin, printer, like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stripped of its lettering and guilding, lies here, food for worms. Yet the work itself shall not be lost; for it will, as he believed, appear once more in a new and more beatiful edition, corrected and amended by the Author.30 (FRANKLIN’S EULOGY THAT HE WROTE FOR HIMSELF) For all you people who say cite sources: http://www.wallbuilders.com/libissuesar ... sp?id=8755
Franklin grew up in a Christian home till his teenage years then he was a deist then he started to convert back to Christian