the pledge of allegiance

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Should be said in english just like posting in wc and forums simple.
  3. The apology shouldn't have been issued, patriotism is patriotism no matter the language. It's situations like this that make people from foreign countries (especially from the middle east) feel unwelcome, not mentioning the religious intolerance received from the general populus.
  4. Wasn't this county founded on GOD, hard work, and dedication to this land. So when you pledge your allegiance to America for which it stands one nation under God. That's what this country was founded upon our forefathers would be turning in their graves right now with everything that is going on.
  5. So people must commit to a, in their eyes, imaginary guy
  6. Um, no, it wasn't.

    "As the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen [Muslims] ... it is declared ... that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever product an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries....
    -- Treaty of Tripoli (1797), carried unanimously by the Senate and signed into law by John Adams

    “Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”
    ~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814,

    America wasn't founded on "God" and quite a few of the founders weren't Christians. While I'm at it, the The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 and originally didn't have the words "Under God" in it. They were added in 1954. Personally, I think the founders would be turning in their graves right now over how much influence the Church has over government.

    “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
    ~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

    The truth can stand by itself. Apparently though, religion can't, which is why we see fundamentalists in America trying to rewrite history and have laws passed to promote and subsidize their religion.
  7. Seem to remember more than a few of those founding fathers had themselves a few slaves, where was ther God during that ? Blind to the slavery of others ?
  8. Yes. Learn English
  9. becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    God definitely wasn't an influence when declaring independence
  10. You're completely lost buddy with all respect. The 'melting pot' metaphor is not a difficult one to understand. Yet you and many others it seems have managed not to grasp its meaning.

    When something goes into a 'pot' and 'melts', it becomes part of one whole. It willingly succumbs to the very nature of what was already in that pot. In the case of America, it was ONCE understood that if you wanted to be a citizen of the USA, there were certain things that were unique to its culture that you would have to adopt/adapt and assimilate if you wanted to be successful. So many people chose to come here because of the rule of law and the opportunity it offered as a result of individual liberty.

    Now Unfortunately, what you see is not a melting pot but a smorgasbord. People come here and insist that the pot adapt to them. And gutless, idiotic morons (and the education system that has bred young minds like you) let them do this. Because you allow yourselves to be guilted in to the notion that if you actually value anything at all and stand on any principle whatsoever, you indeed are intolerant.

    The result of all this political correctness and 'tolerance' has destroyed this country. Now what we have is a society that not only accepts but encourages what once would be considered perverse. So nowadays, an 8 year old can wake up and decide he's a boy. Then tomorrow wake up and decide she's a girl. And this needs to be respected.

    God help us.
  11. As a vet I've abstained from most pledges and national anthems as is my right as a citizen. I feel that it's unnecessary to continuously reaffirm my allegiances. When I get dirty looks I show the offended person my last commands cover(hat) and tell them that serves as visual proof of where I stand as most of the time it's only issued to you upon reaching your duty station. Then I ask them where their visual proof of their allegiance stands. This usually makes them sit down and shuts them up.

  12. Are you being factious?

    Does it not state in the above laws and NATURES GOD?

    My interpretation of that is yes God was apart of it does that mean that's a christan God or Allah or sheva, or the Greek gods who really knows but all in all people need to learn that if you don't like it you don't have to stand or say the pledge.
  13. I was being sarcastic to the ones saying god wasn't mentioned, I was supporting you Don
  14. I'm not a very religious person but to be honest the pledge is to the United States of America and it should be said in English since that is the primary language of the country now if it was in a secondary language class ie: Spanish, French, mandarin, Russian, german then it would be a good way for people to learn those languages to have something to understand what they are saying

    Atheist are a bunch of cry babies this country allows you to practice what ever you believe to be true and people don't care.

    This pledge was apart of this countries school system for a very long time now it is taken out of schools bc some people were offended what if I said I was offended bc I didn't like red cars and had support of millions of people and red cars were banned. That is how silly this whole thing is there are more important things that need to be looked at like poverty and starvation, lack of trust and helpfulness
  15. Tha don read the op it was part of foreign languages week. The pledge was said in several languages but no one complains till it's said in Arabic . The idea was to show that not matter the language used the sentiment still remains.
  16. I know In my state for the last 4 years my daughter has been in school the pledge has not been said .

    So when was this said and where
  17. Also when this was recited the school does not offer a Arabic class so the school should not have recited it considering Arabic is not taught at this school and it was mainly parents of Jewish children who complained
  18. Pledge always seemed like cult ritual anyhow they don't learn real hustory anyhow
  19. Anyone else notice how the believers here neatly sidestepped the fact that the God reference was added decades after the original pledge was written?

    And how its utterance clearly goes directly against the wishes of the founders?
  20. Tha don did you even read op ? It was upstate New York and several different languages were used to show the diverse backgrounds of Americas today and historically.
    It was an effort to make a positive and decent point about America.