Would you sing the American national anthem in another language? I don't see what the big deal is about the use of arabic. It's only a language, just like islam is only a religion. The fact that both are seen in a lense of fear should not change that. And there should be no apology for it.
The only reason it causes a furor is because America is at war with an Arabic speaking group of terrorists. A similiar instance would be someone getting American children to recite the pledge in Japanese or German during 1944. Not every Japanese or German citizen agreed with the war, just as much as there are Islamic or Arabic citizens now who support America. However, public opinion can be against them. Definitely not condoning the hate, it shouldn't matter what language the oath is spoken it. Especially during a week celebrating other cultures. Just throwing my two Australian cents in.
To be polite thats certainly a petty excuse for anyone getting their nose bent outta shape. If public opinion always makes sense who needs politicians to enact laws etc.
Cant agree more, Nighthawk. But at the same time it is public opinion that shapes what the politicians do. They want to stay elected. I would cite the Ebola epidemic as an example of how public opinion shapes policy, but I dont want to derail this thread to much, lol.
Settled next election I'm voting for POP ------------Public Opinion Party------------ Its gotta have a better batting average.
Nighthawk popular public opinion isn't always good thing. It's the unpopular the difficult and the struggles that have been some of humanities best moments. Following the herd mentality leads to the rise of populist demagogues, McCarthyism and the HUAC would be a recent example of this.
we should all agree with public opinion just as our radio stations and the big corporations who buy all the ads tell us we should (giggle)
That plays right into populism. Don't you think it's important to be a individual? Realizing you can be manipulated into a opinion. That we aren't above the influence suggesting. Whether negative or positive. What you subject yourself too, you become.
Public opinion is a fickle and wasteful beast, generally used to justify bad choices. just because the multitudes scream and bray doesn't make them or the ones who pander to them correct. As for corporations they are always selling something be it a product to consume or a lifestyle to emulate. They aren't all bad but they are very rarely good. They exist to make money not to service a need or provide a community service.