the pledge of allegiance

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. I'm not saying a cross should be mounted on top the Washington monument. But I do understand reality from classroom. Reality from Washington DC.
  2. hey look if i quote myself that makes my words more powerful (giggle)
  3. Your giggle makes your words less serious. :)
  4. Oh I see watch girl still doesn't understand the pledge of allegiance incident.

    Typical of a giggling bandit.
  5. Religion has no place in the Oath of Allegiance nor government. Its all religions r recognized or none.
    Thats equality even on the currency.
  6. Okay boys and girls. Sleep good knowing you are in nation full of Christians. 78% wow. That had to slip some no? Sure a lot more then those .5% 1% numbers.

    Enjoy your weekend.
  7. Take it off the money. Take the flag out of the classroom. Don't even day the pledge. It doesn't matter. Like really. Jesus and the dollar don't mix IMO.
  8. Oh pray tell what religion is the flag?
    This oughta be a good laugh.
    Don't u know the history of your own currency?
    For a 3rd time.....
    E pluribus unum was the unofficial motto n changed to 'In God we trust' in 1956
  9. i like saying good bye often to get out of losing arguments too (giggle)
  10. Hydro and king before we get another two pages of quotes ..
    You are both right when you view your arguments from one side and both wrong because your not accepting the premise of the others argument.

    The USA isn't a Christian nation in so much as it does not have a official state religion due to the Virginia delegation and other groups from smaller religious groups not wanting to fall sway of other states religions.
    However there are more self described Christians than any other faith in the USA, making it a Christian nation by numbers of believers, that may change over the next decades.
  11. That's doesn't matter. You are in a nation full of Christians. It's semantics. Noobs.

  12. Heehee
  13. Okay it not a Christian nation by law. Only a Christian nation by demographics, and lead by Christians. But it's not a Christian nation.

    You guys think I don't understand the concept of the separation of church and state. But I do.

    It's to keep the government from imposing a state religion. It is also to keep the church from imposing religion upon the state. Both are equally dangerous. The institution of religion, and the institution of the state are very different. Yet the have to coexist, because they are both made up by the people. In America those people happen to be Christians.

    Hasn't it been important for the left to have Obama be a Christian? I don't care if he is. But he is.

    A lot of social policy is Christian friendly. Like health care. Welfare. All those awesome liberal ideas. The democrat party. The party of minorities. It's not socialism. It's not communism. Its doing what is right.

    You guys don't know what a Christian is do you?
  14. Well religion imposed itself upon the US currency. A christian was invented 2014 yrs ago n a couple months ago. Very new to the timeline of humans as in a speck. Christ was a lil late for his own party it appears.
  15. You guys push Christian agenda all the time. You don't even know it. Now that's funny.

    Really. It Friday night. Piece out.
  16. Yes bro n TGIF to all those not on Saturday
  17. Even Liz Warren is Christian. Methodist.
  18. Q: was Christ a Christian or not by accident of birth or a catch 22?
  19. Honestly, those that we accept, those that we welcome into our country, should be allowed to pledge an allegiance to our flag in any language.. Seriously, like somewhere in their application for citizenship does it say "you must agree to follow all our laws, you can participate in our educational programs, but you agree to do all of the above in our language specifically.."? I highly doubt that's in the application process and if it were, well most of us wouldn't likely have been born here either.. I can't see most of the early generations who built this country as laborer work forces all speaking English. If you're going to pledge, mean it! But if you do mean it, should the language you speak matter?
  20. It doesn't matter what language it is said in as long as when it is said it is meant
    And being that it was said during language Arabic not a language ...same as Japanese, Hindi, French, etc
    It was an educational lesson about languages not about the Pledge Of Allegiance
    That was just the excerpt used to teach the lesson, as no doubt it is a well recognized piece of literature
    We are all too busy focussing on the bad in people and not the good
    Take people for who they are, not what they are...
    Race, creed, colour, religion...why does all that long as you are a decent person and nice to me, I shall be nice to you in return
    There is just too much hate and intolerance in this world....from all sides