Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Activities' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Oct 15, 2015.
Owns an xbone one.
Can I be next...°O°
Rides a pink bronie
Has almost 10k posts and ive never seen him before
Premium comedian
Somebody with a strong grasp of the English language..
Mister PRIME minister
Still a noob
Go home growlithe
I thought that noob smelled familiar, I let GoldenTroll know... He will be pleased..
Doesn't follow directions
Has no sense of direction and/or listens to one direction
Women want him, and men want to be him..
Isn't terrifying
Has a fetish with mayonnaise
Is a minor
Goes hard like a curler..
Aspires to be a telemarketer