The personality above you

Discussion in 'Activities' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Just. Deadly. Like, run while you can…
  2. has fairly odd parents
  3. has anti-fairly odd parents
  4. Roasted marshmellows with his hand
  5. Probably eats doritos and drinks Mountain Dew
  6. Goes to old folklore festivals and throws lightning bolts
  7. Reads people well
  8. Loves redheads
  9. King Ding Dong (door bell).
  10. That guy who is way too much into Zelda
  11. Actual 12 year old.. wall flower.. secretely cries into his pillow every night cause he thinks nobody likes him
  12. Pain in everyone's ***
  13. Wandering hemorrhoid
  14. Savage and realistic
  15. 11 year old ginger
  16. Probably eats food gluten free despite not having a gluten allergy
  17. Reminds me of a high school jock
  18. thinks he's funny.