The Perfect Hidden Tank

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Absolute, May 12, 2015.

  1. Go to, upload your photo and change the copy URL to direct link. Copy that link and paste it between [ imgfit] URL goes here [ /imgfit]
  2. [imgfit.][/imgfit]
  3. Interesting, decent static def for the price.
  4. 22,911 off, placing you in first!

    Your difference is 86,497

    Closest Difference In Attack to Defense Stats Leaderboard
    1. iiillllShadow_Dancerllliil - 22,911
    2. xFx_ATOM_xFx - 86,497
  6. No problem :D
  7. Love my tank building made it in 5 min
  8. -_U-Wish_U-Were_Cool_- has now taken the lead with 219

    Closest Difference In Attack to Defense Stats Leaderboard
    1. -_U-Wish_U-Were_Cool_- - 219
    2. iiillllShadow_Dancerllliil - 22,911
    3. xFx_ATOM_xFx - 86,497
  9. Jesus. This game has strategy?
  10. Not really, it is mainly playing around with a build calculator until you beat the other competitors or find The Perfect Hidden Tank.
  12. If you have a 219 difference in your defense either the enemy team won't notice or they will realize that you have hidden adt. In an Indi they might not notice, in a clan war against an exp clan you bet your ass they will notice.

    Edit: All these builds posted do not include abyss so unless you plan on just putting up only spies or sdt in abyss or just not exploring into it at all then these builds can not be used.