The "Outside System" System War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SirIsaacLime, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Wouldn't this be an oxymoron? An outside system war that has a system?

    Not saying it's a bad idea, but it would negate the whole idea of an "outside system" war. (Or old school, or off system what ever you want to call it)
  2. It would be called an ally war not an osw
  3. This amazing :O Support OP Great Job!
    Make sure to email Support and get there feedback :)
  4. Bremen, the title just refers to a war system that shares most of the characteristics of OSW.
  5. I do not support for one reason only.
    If two clans went at it and one clan just sat there the clan doing all the work would get huge gains for almost no work.
    Otherthen that great idea
  6. Full Support of a kaw FARMER
  7. @ vlad Contrary to your opinion I wouldn´t raise the plunder on quests...hansels could pinn on them but why getting more plunder? It´s WAR and one should try to defend the comrades not hitting skeletons or something else - for example "kamikaze" attack an enemy to soften him for the following hits. You should join highly potted or find a target on the other side to repot otherwise you´ve lost! OSWs these days are mostly ending in CFs especially bc of EBs...if you wanna selfpinn why getting high plunder for it?! Pot- and allyless means you have LOST the war so klick the "button of shame" :D

    Ally buys from outside would be tricky bc the banks could act openly (you aren´t allow hitting from inside the war). So bring in your ressources which you can/want to sacrafice to win the war! At the end your side gets the reward for it...I support this idea 100%!
  8. Suport it sounds like a good idea would take away all the lieing of who took what
  9. @Balle, when a Hansel is selfpinning he does help his comrades... Limey was talking a score based on plunder aswell. So Balle its your interest not to have leaks on your side.
    And about no outside hits... NO! You know I like to hit you even if you are in OSW :p joking... But seriously, NO!
  10. Support, even though I don't war or OSW, smart thinking.
  11. The plunder and hits are only for the records and has no effect on the result of the selfpin on a quest (without big plunder) or hit the enemy like it was in the "good old days" 
  12. No Balle... Limey's ideea was that once you reach to a milestone to get mithril. Do you want your hansels to leak and to help the opposite side to get easy mithril?
  13. And I think quests should be improved not only for hansels sake. I mean quests are a part of this game. I don't think is normal to be incentive to do it only during first week of your KaWreer. People should be encouraged to perform ALL aspects of KaW(BL, system wars, ee system wars, OSW and quests)
  14. I agree vlad! There should be different incentives for different types of players.
  15. Also, support!
  16. Support iG
  17. Vlad you bring up a good point actually about clans being concerned about leaks. That could be a flaw in the incentive-based point system because worrying about leaks doesn't mesh with the OSW feel of it.

    Although I don't think it would be a major issue because if your clan is just trying to farm inactives in order to get your point count up, you're not going to be focusing on the active players that are actually hitting. So basically you're choosing to lose the war. In an OSW environment people will still focus on active players, I think.

    And really, the entire point system could be chucked. The fundamentals of this idea are perfectly viable without it.