The "Outside System" System War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SirIsaacLime, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. That's a good point. That's a giant exploit.
  2. Support! Great idea!
  3. If two clans want to declare war on each other and just hit EB's to avoid getting hit...I say let them.

    Just makes them look like cowards and now everyone will be able to see it.

    Or you could fix it by adding some kind of "inactive war" function that automatically dumps it if no ones is hitting the other side or just hitting 1-2 people (OSF's).
  4. Support for idea but not mechanics.

    The points should rack up on how much gold each side is losing.
    So those assassinations just to burn pots gain your side plunder.

    Also your side loses plunder for using pots but for strips, your side does not lose any of the money. This factor only works when hiring enemy allies, not anyone else's.
    You lose twice as much plunder for banking in pots or allies.
    Minimum of 40 players a side so can't be abused.
  5. I like this idea a lot. It could give some real visual backbone to clans current OSWs if they actually used the option.
  6. Support!! Best proposal thread I've read so far
  7. At this point, banks become useless, unless its in your clan which is useless lol.
  8. Can you imagine how many Bronze Bars and Mithril will be awarded to the winning team after a 3 month War?!?!? ******* Sweet idea Lime 
  9. Hi Limey! I like your idea... Except the "no outside hire" part. Ally market should stay 100% free. If I want an ally I shouldn't be affected by his owner's war. Also the points milestone should be related to the strenght of ppl involved on both sides. If there are 300 ppl on one side and only 100 ppl on the other side, many ppl from first side can afford to play dead until the war is over. But if the milestone is 3x higher, EVERYONE will have to be involved.
  10. Sounds like a cool idea, but there are a few points I'd like to ask about. If there were to be no outside hits allowed, couldn't I simply make two clans, war each other and talk smack on whoever I wish without punishment? Also, if ally hires weren't allowed, couldn't I buy all of the good allies and work my way up the leader board (if I were bigger, that is :lol:) and make sure no one hires them back by creating two clans and warring each other? Assuming that ally hires aren't allowed in said war so the "bank" has to be in the clan, could the "bank" not join and leave at will?
  11. It wouldn't exactly be "OSW".

    Off System War/Old School War is what it is, I don't think there can be a system for it.

    Of course, this idea would be a perfect system, once developers dumped the current useless system.
  12. I think this idea would be very cool to see implemented. Personally I would leave ally hires alone as they have always been a risk in osw. Wonder if there wouldn't be a way to log everyone's ally values...maybe start with a score of 100 and as clan ally values increase or decrease it would cause the score to fluctuate. Idk lol either way I think it's an awesome idea
  13. Very cool idea. Support.
  14. The ally hire thing was one of the issues I didn't get too deep into to avoid a long post. The value I see in allowing for no outside hires of allies is that it forces "friends" to join the war if they want to fund strips. The downside is that it closes that portion of the ally market and violates a pretty major aspect of OSW, which is clan-controlled banks.

    As I said, it's an evolving idea and that could definitely be something to ditch. I mentioned earlier, if someone wants to talk trash from inside a war and be unhittable, what does it really matter? They just end up looking stupid anyways. And as far as having two clans in constant war just to stay safe, that could easily be addressed by setting minimum requirements to clan size or activity.

    @breakdown...I'm well aware that this isn't a real OSW, and it wouldn't eliminate them altogether. What I can say is that I've played this game for 2.5 years and spent most of it in OSW. While it may not be "the same", I think having a way to track and score real wars would add a cool new element to it.
  15. I don't mind the idea but taking a step back are you not just trying to put osw into some organised rules based environment?

    Osw is great fun because its no rules, no limits, no boundaries and as such you can play it so many different ways. Putting rules around osw will mean that the freedom of warring goes as certain actions wouldn't be valued on a scoring system or be less valued so less used etc.

    Kaw has sw, eb and estoc organised so I don't see a need for osw having rules around it.

    Cheers 
  16. @Snr

    There really are no rules. Mechanics are the same, anyone can join, outside ally buys can be enabled, etc.

    The points are just a way of quantifying the work that each side is putting in. But points will never win the war. You fight till surrender or CF, just like normal OSW.

    It's basically what we've always been doing with slightly more structure and your win/loss is actually on record, as well as your personal contribution to the war.