The Oracle Queen's Decree: Results

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Charlie, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. This comment should be directed at the community who voted, not ATA️. There were free EB choices/series that the community did NOT choose.
  2. Actually Kezzer the name of the series is "Marrox the Confined" Zelegard the Accursed is one epic within the series, albeit the only one at the moment

  3. Um...the Marrox series has The Labyrinth of Zoma, not ZTA.
  4. Yes, correct Mei, my bad... my apologies Kez.
  5. Lotl + goth were seperate, nd not stuck in there catergory (wrath of the sverguanti)
  6. Here is what ATA-Charlie's response to me asking if the empowered eb was going to cost $ in WC the other day was:

  7. ZTA wins so 100 nobs per Epic Battle as apposed to 59 nobs per seal for HTE, also if Apheriun won would that of meant all Epic Battles from normal Haunt through to HTE of been boosted ? Or just HTE
  8. All ebs under apherium so haunts to hte
  9. ZTA promo in T minus - 5 hours and 30 mins
  10. @Charlie

    What's the plan to get those 35.2% of people who didn't vote to vote? Overall that's a huge number that could have swayed the vote to Apherium.
  11. Was there any doubt the $10 eb would win????...seriously people ....
  12. This poll competition wasn't intended to just give zta a boost, that's just how the voting happened. Don't blame the devs for players being greedy
  13. Still say Apheriun should of won
  14. It didn't win because, like the government, the devs are corrupt.
  15. Ok, so I finally got credit for my seventh prayer, but I still have a lvl 6 helm. I guess something is better than nothing.