The Not Wilson Army Arises

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wilson, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. Why are you complaining about not being hit? Seems a bit moronic :p
  2. I know how spy build works, and as stated (if you had bothered to read my posts) I have plenty of gold out, all stolen from iG wit and wig members. So yes you can hit me.

    You may think its moronic, I think it's sad they can't be bothered to hit us instead of their eb.
  3. The lines at my local wal-mart are too short. I demand they be longer! 
  4. Il admit to this one, I just checked the three clans history's, they aren't hitting the ebs. None the less my point stands. Step up your game.
  5. Ughh I hate warring people who know absolutely nothing about war.  Im done in this thread until someone teaches him how pointless hitting a weak pure spy is.
  6. It's not really pointless if it's to stop him hitting your guys!

    And btw worrying about how much gold you make in an osw? Really?

    I've been part of strips where I was making like 20k a steal, it's not about how much you make it's about how much THEY lose 
  7. I think what Rajang meant is that no ones going to blow their troops on a small spy with some money out when there are attack builds to pin or larger pure spies with allies that can be stripped.

    I honestly wouldn't look into it much, it would be the same no matter who you warred. And if someone wanted to stop him from hitting they'd pin his spies. Why bother unloading troops unless it's a strip?
  8. Yes you're right in that a troop unload would be pointless, I took it as iger saying he hasn't been attacked in any way at all.
  9. No, what I'm saying is with your size you could pin our attack builds easily, and have plenty to spare for the spys but you don't. As stated, who gives a **** what your making? It's hat their loseing.
  10. Its sad that Melissa Honeybees thread was deleted, it had alot of the war banter in it, you would think if one post is off that post would be removed.

    Personally I stay mainly in the war for my own revenge i guess, I do not agree with people targetting kids in a game like what happened to my daughter. It was not real life stuff it was in game stuff so i do not believe i am breaking ToU in saying this.

    Melissa Honeybee and I have spoken before, she told me her hate for iG is due to a member of WiT strip farming her daughter, a younger player. The girl sold her account to get away from it and so Melissa is here for revenge. Weather this is true or not i do not know as it is impossible to tell someones age on kaw, but I was apart of WiT when the strip took place and remember it well.

    Saxon mentioned in the last thread that was deleted about the 9 year old that got his itunes card from his low income family as his only bday present, only to have the clan he bought with it taken from him and disbanded by a member of WiT.

    Then my daughter was taken to by the same member in personal wall insults after she was stripped for being my daughter. Sadly the people involved knew her age and why she plays.

    Its a never ending story with one particular member of WiT, and it is a disgrace if all you can do is go after the younger players of KaW, why not take them under your wing and teach them,lead them to be great warriors....(well I know the person involved will never be any sort of warrior, with those morals)

    If you cant do that, then send feedback and ask the age requirement for KaW be adjusted, 9 is young to deal with alot of what happens on here. But to support someone in your clan treating kids, only targetting our younger players is low, says alot.

    And yes iG I have sent ss to Khanny showing the wall posts etc. Twicc tried to bring this to your attention in the last thread and it got him a forum ban. No names have been mentioned here but I am willing to speak to any admin that is interested in getting rid of the scum, the lowlife player that can only give your clan a sad name by targetting the young he knows he can take advantage of.
  11. I'll join a clan to fight ig pm me if youll allow me to join one of those clans PE I'd appreciate if I was allowed in to your clan got a few friends there :)
  12. I accept it. Im a not Wilson too!

    Not wilson and proud
  13. iG - is your clan standing alone? Have your allies abandoned you? Are you being farmed by people you once thought were freinds, brothers in arms, family even?

    If so id like to inform you of this -

    karma's such a *****.

    Fear is a pathetic qaulity in people. It's even more pathetic on a game. There was many players who stood up to you on their own, fighting. They fought and they lost. And now the most war hardened players I know have arose to fight you (their "family") in not going to even wish you "goodluck". You've all already disappointed the kaw nation with your non-existent fighting.

    Go get em' lads
  14. Not Wilson Army
  15.  not wilson army
    *dramatic music*
  17. Can I get into PE please or any other clan
  18. I like both iG and a couple clans on The Not Wilson Army,May the best clan win,Good Luck to both sides