The No Match EB. How many is too many?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Princess_Mika_Goto, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Lol thanks for the great advice Frog I'll make sure our council takes it on board
    also u should check out our second EE war clan _RCA_ or maybe our allied war clan Amun_Ra

    I thought the pics might of kept u entertained a bit longer 

    Your just spewing the same crap out there lol i have even pointed you to my valid points in your posts but i don't seem to be getting through to u, you remind me of the old saying u can lead a horse to water but u can't make him drink from it.

    But seeing as we're just going back and forth and getting nowhere i'll leave you and your thread be.
    But just for future reference you don't need to be worrying -RCA- business if we ever need any EE or Match up advice from you or iG i'll be sure to contact you.

    @ Booty lol main RCA has lost 1 Rancor FYI Moron
  2. You idiot, check the history they lost against Warlor a few times and recently against zaft corp.
  3. Oh rancor wars you meant. Not original EE..Okay am an idiot.
  4. @ Booty the noob, Rancor wars week 3 starts today those losses to Warlor were during the trials you idiot 25 days ago so please get your facts straight b4 you make yourself look more foolish main RCA has 1 loss to Zaft in Rancor wars 
  5. Okay calm down. No need to boast, or ass kiss just to get into RCA.
  6. They should randomize the clan roster just like all star wars!!!
  7. Ohhh looks like RCA throwing around the same attitude that got Warlor yafi'd.

    When will people learn?
  8. I remember before this all started. rCa was not near as huge as they are.

    You guys did stack your clan and then made even more alliances to stack others.

    You can say what you want. But you have worked the system to your advantage.
  9. @iprophet

    Thanks for the support. Once again I didn't make this thread to trash talk any clan, merely suggest a change in how ATA hands out there mith EBs. Unfortunately some people are more interested in taunting, chest thumping, and ***-swinging. Too bad.

    Anyways like I said in my very first post. Good luck to RCA in this weeks wars. May they hage better luck in getting war than they did last week.
  10. Call it support or call it facts. It is what it is.

    This thread isn't an attack on RCA. It's questioning what devs motives are with no match ups.

    Go back 2-3 months ago. RCa Wasn't top 10 lb. but their leaders are wise and started recruiting heavy lbers and kingdoms.

    Just as Val did with his worms, only going the opposite direction.

    Ata kind of gave Val the what for over EE which lead his clan to dropping trillions in allies and builds so they could have suitable match ups.

    Ata has uttered a word to RCA about doing such a thing. Yet they've had more no match ups

    This isn't about "RCA". But it certainly can be if they want it.
  11. Hasn't uttered *
  12. Frog I must say. Great success on this thread. You pretty much single handedly brought attention to this issue and made devs decide to possibly do it.

    I thank you kind sir.

  13. As a matter of fact, isn't a member of your family, Warlor, on the verge of death at the hands of yafi now? Shouldn't you be more concerned with that than some thread?

    Or will UC turn their backs on their newest addition?

    I'm betting the later.

    We'll see then what your character truly is. Till then, get off your high horse and realize that part of you getting no matches is in fact your fault.

    Sorry you had to be used as the excuse but if you didn't stack your clans prior to rancor it wouldn't have happen at all.

    Regardless of who the example clan is. The question still remains.

    How is ata determining what is exploiting their no match system?
  14. ㄩოβཞع₤₤∆  ʗ☢ཞㄕ☢ཞ∆Ϯ į☢N
    Plz refrain from posting on this thread
  15. Lol no chest thumping here I'll make sure council adds you iprophet to the list of people to go to for advice on EE wars