The No Match EB. How many is too many?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Princess_Mika_Goto, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. I understand your point here. If they want to do it and risk getting their clan (and those that where heavily involved in stacking it i would hope) banned from being able to ee...
    Or risk taking away the mith eb from those that a match was not available for.
    That's their choice. They always exploit. Just a matter of who was fastest and hardest to it.
  2. And on the three strikes. I kinda like but make it more person to person not the entire clan.
  3. @hand cuffs

    Person to person would be fine
  4. Frog, your chances of changing anything at all is very low. Best chance is to post your idea on kaw_admins new thread for week 4. Maybe he takes a look at it.
  5. new clan should be disbanded T V P
  6. The devs gotta realize that the system only works if there are losers too. But this system just widens the gap. Winners get extra plunder and mith to buy and upgrade equipment. Losers end up with less mith and before and have basically wasted pots and time they could have been using to better their bfa. As a result winners get stronger and losers don't see the point of warring.

    In boxing the loser gets paid as well as the winner. Same with all sports. But the devs have made this less a sport and more a gamble.

    I'm not talking about getting paid handsomely for losing. I'm just asking for the opportunity to make back some of the time and effort I put in to make your system work. At least we losers should be given the chance to make just as much mithril as these clans that are not even warring 50% of the time.
  7. I have to agree with frog (even though how much it hurts me ) it is unfair you can get 6 no matches and get anywhere from 50-80 free mith... I like the three strikes you're out thing but it seems hard to put in the game to me, though I don't know more than a basic knowledge in game designing/editing lol.
  8. Op dtw 
  9. Lol medicguy!

    It is a price to be attempted to he hit by an iG councilman!
  10. Price? That was supposed to be privilege
  11. [​IMG]

    Lol iG complaining on forums about an issue that is of no concern to them, I've seen it all now,
    -RCA- has only lost 1 Rancor war in idk how many so why would we try to get 6 no match ups on purpose and lose out on realistically earning 400-600 mithril in those wars instead of 60-80 mithril from EB???
    It's ludicrous to suggest we did in my opinion but hey look another -RCA- thread in forums no wonder we don't need a recruitment thread u guys whining about us are doing a great job keep them new recruits coming.

    Seems a lot like jealousy to me Frog u should focus more on your on clan and stop concerning yourself about -RCA- and calling us out on forums, and for your 3 strikes rule please were not gonna change a winning formula just because your'e hating 
  12. @wampo idiot

    Try reading the whole post next time. I'm asking for EBs given to no matches to be available to EE losers as well. I don't see how one group can be rewarded for nog warring but the other gets penalized for warring. Hopefully that concept can be easily understood
  13. Who said anything of you guys trying to get non matchups on purpose? Please quote where I say that.

    Time to go back to school and learn to read.
  14. [​IMG]

    1st, Your last post on pg1 Questioning our effort to get a match up after 4 no matches my first post on this thread is aimed at this and not your initial post.

    2nd, your 2nd post on pg4 aimed at handy cuffs implies its better to aim for no match and save 2 hours avoiding war on a thread u aimed at Devs and -RCA- my first post on this thread is aimed at this and not your initial post.

    3rd your final post on pg4 about clans claiming they want to war but don't adjust to get matches on a thread u aimed at Devs and -RCA- my first post on this thread is also aimed at that, also in that post u bring up your silly suggestion of 3 strikes and no eb my first post on this thread is aimed at that and not your initial post .

    My first post making sense to u now,? Oh and I read just fine and you Sir are the idiot here. 

  15. Spent the better part of trials and the season at -RCA-. With the amount of planning and organizing (and listening to opinions ) that goes into each war, it's ridiculous to say they purposely avoid getting matched. If that was truly the case, you'd see the top 30 opted in every single match and a few randoms because no one could touch their BFA. Get a grip and think before you make these type of disparaging remarks. Much respect to Valkyl and Res One for all the work you do trying to get a match. 
  16. @ wampo

    It is interesting how you pick and choose certain post, knitpic at them, but then ignore posts that totally contradict the line of bs your trying to push here.

    I direct you to my first and second post, where I state that I don't know enough to informatively talk about the warriors in RCA to past justment on them. I do note however that they, along with We're Screwed have substantially more no matchups than other clans. Sorry dude but a fact is a fact.

    Be that as it may, please get it through your head that is is not a hate thread about RCA (or We're Screwed for that matter). I am simply suggesting that clans that do put in the time to war and then lose should be at least compensated for their efforts in the same fashion clans that constantly get No Matchups are.

    As for your specific comments on my specific posts, the 2nd post on page 4 as well as the last post on that page do not mention RCA at all. It is you who is reading it out of context and putting in words that are just not there. Unless you can find a post that quotes me as saying "RCA are cheaters", your complaint holds little water.

    So let me be clear about this: What do I think about RCA and their no matchup predicament?

    Well, as I said before, they seem to be great warriors as their record shows. I have never been in the clan so I can't talk intelligently about them. However facts are facts, and the fact is they are getting more than their fair share of No Matchups. Now in regards to this iProphet is probably right in saying this is the fault of the devs, not RCA. However, I think it is fair to question RCA on the amount of effort put into getting matchups. In AppleGirl's post she states that RCA is putting great efforts into their wars. However, once again facts are facts. When you signed up with 37 members, were you seriously expecting to get a matchup, especially when the devs said it is best to aim for 25-30 members? You've signed up once with a bfa 4X higher than anyone else, which you later followed up by signing with a bfa 5X higher than anyone else. You can't argue you want war and then seriously expect to get it by pulling these kind of stunts.

    IMHO, if RCA really wants to war they should do what Warlor does and war from two clans. Being great warriors, I am sure the members of RCA would not hesitate for a second to give up their Estoc edge bonus and move to a subclan to war if it means drastically improving their chances of actually warring, right?

    Of course RCA (or We're Screwed for that matter) are under no obligation to do this. They can stay together, have everyone keep their Estoc Edge bonuses, and simply hope and pray that a few clans will emerge that will match their huge signup numbers and bfa. However the reality is that RCA will probably be facing a whole bunch of No Matchups in the future. I just hope that when this does happen that ATA will also take the time to recognize all the clans that make the sacrifices to get a matchup everytime in the same way they reward clans that constantly get no matchups.
  17. I think that ignorance is no replacement for actual facts .
  18. In short, I don't want to insult RCA. Sorry if you guys took it that way. I just want equal treatment in this matter.
  19. They lost more then 1 match moron.