Yes, and it has worked for me, too. Having reset, I found it still worked. But around a month ago, it stopped. Tried again today - still not working. Trying to figure out what the deal is. Not the end of the world... Thanks for feedback. If anyone has the definitive answer....
It only works the first time around, when you reset and try on a piece of land that you have done previously it doesn't work.
Not true. I've lc 5 times and only once I didn't get land tricks. This time round it worked every time. Deplete all soldiers and spies then build on new land for 25-26 extra hits
Correct except its 24-26 hits depending if yo have a balanced building on your kingdom or not. lol he means The "new land" trick ---------- I have been hearing complaints from my newer members on android that it does not work for them. This might be the issue.
When I reported that problem in Forums a few weeks ago, no one beliebed me. Sometimes land trick works, some times it doesn't. Some of my alts can use it, others not. Just a bug.
It isn't a "trick". When you place the first building on a land that has been bought you get troops on it without any need to regen. Only works for the FIRST building placed on a particular land. If you have already placed say a tier 3 building on the land and hit with the troops, you cannot destroy it and build another tier 3 or tier 4 on it and get the troops. Like I said, it only works for the very first building built on the land that was purchased.
I just did this on my new land and it successfully worked for me, so idk what you guys/gals are doing wrong.
Does the new land trick still work after you've done reset? Lots of 'it works for me' - but does that include people who've done more then 1 reset? Just asking
I've done this trick plenty of times and have never failed even when opening a land and still have troops left you still get the 500