The nerve of some noobs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *emorockstar- (01), Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Combat is over.

    //end topic
  2. Thx Tex fight is over go back to your kaw lives now
  3. All hits and forum posts have stopped involving X5 and CoS. All questions concerning X5 can be directed to me. 

    And Nervre, posting pm's is real classy. I hope all reading have learned that whatever you say to Nerve in pm can end up on forums.
  4. Nervere I'm watching you 0_0
  5. Nice the fight is over going to refill my popcorn before I live... :/ like popcorn
  6. Your Really annoying you know
  7. Lost Legends does not interfere. They intervene.
  8. There is no greater number than that which the Drgn posts. Sorry.