Well Mickey in my experience I've been scout bombed by one person and it barely halfed my bar. Maybe they weren't using pots or whatever. And it has a lot to do with successes. If they are failing they won't kill as many spies. I think our conflicting studies are disagreeing due to variables
No and I'm not full bar Lolz Give me 10 min though and we can run a quick test. I'm not farming anyone important atm
Not hostile at all Cynder, and i'm talking about pinning hansels that are attackpinned. I have been farming pretty much on a daily basis for the past year and half, and most hansels don't have the gold for huge bfa but just keep allies for mp and if your allies are worth say 20b you are unlikely to be holding any sdp. Atleast not in most warclans i fought. This is for the simple reason that say a standard 5k of every spydef pot would cost a total of 120b, and if you keep and let someone burn that much pots to protect 20b in allies then well i really don't know what to say. A few attackbuilds doing fail assa is best way to pin a pure spy or a hansel that is not dtw for assa. Hansel vs Hansel = assa to dtw and thereafter only scout, if the goal is to not let them regen atleast.
Nvm I'm full now. Give it a go. Just tell me if u r using pots and what not so all variables can be accounted for
Okay but are u pinning spies from a hansel acct or what? Because I do believe build type affects how many you can kill per scout. If I am wrong I will stand corrected.
cyn ofc it matters if the scouts are fails or success, but nobody likes being all fail, that's why you find the amount of pots needed to not lose on the opponent and go with that. But mocking scouts or expecting a hansel to always be open for assas, if thats your opinion then you have been fighting really bad hansels. Scouts = most effective tool agains the standard low bfa hansel. and i count as low bfa anything less then 10m spyatk/spydef bfa.
Cyn i'm talking about this account zeroing say a hansel same size as me or an hlbc hansel. But an atkheavy hybrid atkbuild can do same kind of damage to a hansel with scouts. So can a high bfa atkbuild with just one sos/volary. Anyway, scouts are imo useful in osw. It's just not very useful against attackbuilds. An atkbuild being scouted nonstop can justly say, "lol those noobs are scouting me". If he/she isnt pinned in every other way already atleast.
IMHO I see those low BFA hansels who interchange into pure spies hardly worth the effort. Wen they switch you just have attk builds scout bomb to zero. As they will most likely keep themselves below 20% throwing asns and steals at you to burn a couple pots. But against permanent hansel types in my opinion playing the bait and switch game is most effective. Bait them into hitting more first, wasting more spies than yours killed, then u have an opening.
BlackHand.. Did you just advise a guy to use full spy attack pots to scout? Is that what I read? If indeed his opponent is greater spy than he is then he's greater attack, no? We're only allowed to fight in our relative ranges. So I can't hit top of LB right now, nor can I hit 1/10th of 10m combined/or attack only whatever that Maths out to being. So let me get this straight. On a action which will only take spies away from your enemy you'd pay pots on that? Why didn't you advise him to farm the guy's scrotum off then steal to clear any spies, but not to worry if a few were left as the low spies don't take so much per steal, and need huge pots to make wins on assassinates. Therefore burning 3 layers of opponent pots and none of yours (unless attack pots are needed) instead of 1 or 2 layers of yours. Bad mathification on that. Join Tom in the 'not gonna grow' corner and make some friends.
@swabia 1. He cant farm the spy if the spy is dtw. 2. He cant steal the spy because his spy attack Is lower than the hansel/pure spy. 3. So yes. BH is right. Only option is to use full spy attack pots and scout.
I scout in osw to burn enemy spies. 1. vs hansel fighting from pin and zero gold. 2. vs hansel that isn't running spdp and scouting gives better ratio compared to assn. But I agree if you can burn pots then go for that instead.
I dont have any sdp Swabia. I'm a hansel that stays dtw for atk/assa/stl most of my waking moments when in osw. I only keep an ally for MP so i simply don't carry a few hundred b in allies to protect that. No sane person does put up a few hundred b in sdp to protect a 20b ally. Rather put that sdp gold in atkpots if someone ever manages to succesfully clear 20b from me(that last 20b is a ***** to clear as we all know) i just sell and buy a new one. You might get 1-2 steals in one me at times but it ends there. and no pots to burn. So only damage you can do to me is not let me play, and most efficient way to do that is scout me. In a 1v1 any half decent hansel that you dont keep zeroed that way by primarily dcouting with the rare occasional assa will start owning you after a few hours when his regen trumps your due to you trying only use assa and steal on him.
If they switch I'm going to cry and leave KaW it's the only way to bypass the pots and pin a stronger for if you xtal.
I used to scout bomb friends. It was fun. But in serious terms I used scouting to cover up a strip. Or attempt to cover a strip. So unfortunate that the said person being stripped who is inactive for weeks at a time was active at the time. Anyway the said person reset thinking he/she would be able to hide with a different name. Failed of course. I had a few links. By a few I mean many.. So yeah, scouts are good for blowing up news feed, blowing up the news feed has a couple uses such as annoying the opposing side or covering up strip