The Moronic Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. At my present build, my method of warring changes. If they are light on tanks, I mostly SB spies and tank troops. sometimes I can go the whole war without a need to sko.

    However in the war shown, the enemy was tank heavy with a few meaty hansels. Since I was one of only two hybrids on our side, I had to dump troops more to ko those hansels. In this case I got 90% of my successful actions at the start and when I xstalled. I can see mith payout being altered to match the war style.
  2. @skinny. Please do not refer anymore to people who have been asked to leave. If you want to ask them questions, you have pm. Otherwise please stay on topic.
  3. @ larry. Why have you been asked to make yourself scarce from this thread? Phoenix has been posting off topic and he is allowed to stay.
  4. Skinny boutta get kicked from the thread too.
  5. Phoenix has left. Since you ignored the request, please leave Skinny. Remember how I nicely left your threads when asked. Ty.
  6. Why do I have to leave? I agree with you. Phoenix should have left. That was a good call.

    I am on topic. The mith payouts are very fair in my opinion. I think with your kind of build you should have earned much less mith, even none
  7. You should leave because you purposely called to banned players in order to call them back into the thread, even when asked not to do so. That's reason enough.

    I might also mention that I leave your threads when asked to do so without posting some snide insult making it seem like I won the argument. I just leave.
  8. Frog! Don't u want to have a smexy lady like Alison to grace ur thread?
  9. If frog had more bfe and bfa and abc and xyz then he would have won the war.
  10. At ashes request, skinny can stay. 
  11. @skinny

    Actually I did win. Presently got a good group of mates together and am in a 6 war winning streak.
  12. I have to say Frog's build is solid.. His bfe is pretty cool too..
  13. Thanks mate. As any noob knows bfa is waay over-rated.
  14. Bfe makes up for a lot. Even with my build, I can steal some top 50 LB builds occasionally.
  15. I never get more then 55 :( i spend trillions on my build :(
  16. I recently got 93. I full Mithed and was wc at the time. Not that it changes anything.
  17. Praise The Lord for display glitches