The Moronic Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Ahh gotta love it when the ignorant troll. 

    As most non nubs know, there has never been any equipment given out in the ASW. I guess Chubs has just taken too many hits to the head from MG.

    But good luck in OSW, been in three already this year myself. But I'd never diss EE cause I'm some "OSW warrior". Many such warriors are only such because they couldn't hack it in EE.

    Anyway, once again, this thread is about understanding the mith payout in EE. If you post anything else, you're off topic. Please leave the thread. If you wanna trash me, please go make a "Frog is a whiny ninny and I'm butthurt" thread of your own. 
  2. Dirty Larry and Chubby:
    I don't spend much time on this game, unlike the amount of time you have spent. And how much money have I spent on this game? NOTHING. Now how much have you spent on this game?
  3. I've spent thousands. I'll admit it. Good luck mate. Only noobs trash other builds. ️
  4. When did Phoenix become the boss of the thread to tell people to leave or stay?

    Phoenix you should leave the thread to be honest. You need to spend another 3.5 years on that crappy kingdom you're so fond of telling us the history about.
  5. "Couldn't hack it in ee" so than what does that make you?
    An eb noob that's leaves osws and has a few towers tadpole ?
  6. "Now get back on topic, or as Frog said, leave the thread."

    Read again brosika.

    And lol, Frog. I at least have some defense.
    Either way, it all boils down to that all of the dev's algorithms are insane and probably ****** up. The plunder algorithms and everything. I don't think anyone has truly figured them out yet.
  7. Another broke ass kid with a crap allowance pulling the money spent card..

    Sorry your daddy won't give you his credit card for this game..

    Sorry you made the choice to be a sh..

    I am a grown ass man with a job and if I choose to spend some on a game I enjoy, I do it without regret. It's fun for me.. I am sorry money is too tight for you and you gotta beg on the corner for war crystals
  8. Actually Phoenix. You have a pro pack... You have to buy those.
  9. Larry you got any Italian in you? Would you like some?
  10. Brick you can use the nobility from the quests to buy those.
  11. It actually all boils down to what your gaming preference is. For one I prefer the Xbox console over spending money on this.
    And I don't want to hear about your "Grown ass", man. The way you're talking and insulting off of baseless information is proving the complete opposite of what you claim to be. Now if you want to continue this, "Dirty"Larry, take it to our walls or PM.
  12. And Larry is right. I might not be a grown up but if I am into a game I will spend money on it. This is my favorite game.
  13. And Brick. Check my post count. Now check the PC propack options. Now check my Quest count. Do you see a connection? $0, still.
  14. Nope. Don't get it.
  15. Listen Phoenix stop try to throw your weight around here and just stay in your lane with your little compact.. Sorry your broke ass can't hang with the adults.. Now take your little limp account, tuck it between your legs and ask me to buy you 2 crystals for your next war.
  16. Nob digging man, nob digging. /).- Compare my count to yours and you should see a difference.
  17. Post count? You are one of those noobs that thinks people actually give a damn about post count..

    We won't judge you on post count..

    But I will look at your crap account not respect is the very fashion that I'm doing now when you start puffing your chest out
  18. Questing is playing with yourself. And this is an mmorpg so....
  19. Ooh. Tower-bashing now.

    Chubby seems to know an awful lot about my whereabouts. Kinda creepy, especially since I don't give a crap about him. 

    Got to work on that short term memory. I'm still in an osw. I contacted the enemy and told them to keep hitting if they want. I DID however have a dispute with iG and was told by council not to return to the main clan.

    But believe what u want. If it makes you feel better to brag about your losses while you leak gold to MG, go for it. Just stay on topic here, please. Go make your own "I hate frog" thread.

  20. You know DirtyLarry, I don't even know what you're trying to prove right now, because you just sound like an idiot right now. The next thing you'll be doing is using "Your Mom" insults. It's just immature and pathetic. Notice how I haven't insulted you yet? Huh. It must take so much skill. No... Wait, it's called not being rude.
    Now take this fight to walls. Unless the only reason why you're pursuing this on the forums is because you want the public to see how "tough" you are. But that's definitely not the reason, right? Prove yourself to be the man that you call yourself - take it to the walls. Don't be a child and get the last word.