The Moronic Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Skinny ninny Is in my clan!
  2. He is g seafazor l
  3. Maybe he whines about stuff that isn't right? Or maybe it isn't whining. Maybe it is correcting what is wrong.
  4. Maybe someone should actually offer their opinion instead of just going off topic?
    Personally I think that it's what I posted on page 1.

    Stay on topic guys, thank you. This is a legitimate question and pisses a lot of us off who aren't the lucky mith jackpot people.
  5. Sorry Sh it's not fair why you don't get mith jackpots with all the time and gold you into that alt 
  6. Omg chubby! That is so funny! I am so not laughing right now! 
  7. Who are you again brick?
  8. Actually this isn't an alt, it's my main. This profile represents 3.5 years of work. Be careful who you call alt. 
    Now get back on topic, or as Frog said, leave the thread.
  9. I'm brick. Brick tamland
  10. 3.5 years of work eh? On that
  11. I put 42 days of work into this bad boy :lol:

    My main has a little over 2 years into that account.
  12. Wow 3.5 years for that? I wouldn't actually tell people that.. Better off being called an alt..

    And chubby is a EB noob.. It's the only way he could be a big FL for a LB OSW clan
  13. Frog I heard you were feeling down about the payouts don't worry I can feel you up
  14. ^run your fingers through his bushido
  15. Veni would do that. If she hasn't already
  16. I am a he but if you thinking I am a she will make it easier to feel you up, then okay.