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Hi, Thank you for showing us these threads. They have been stickied. Cheers, A Thinking Ape Support On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 7:12 PM, Jerad <meriweathernew@gmail.com> wrote: I have come to a realization that some threads in Fan Fiction deserve to be stickied. These threads include: GIoomi's Guide to Writing 3.0 Guide to Biographies or -Mystiques- Guide to Biographies (I can't remember! That's why it must be stickied!) These threads being stickied would benefit the writing community in such a marvelous way! Newbies and Noobies wouldn't screw up story signups or ruin there stories with those threads stickied, because they would have some guidance! I am a prominent member of the Fan Fiction community and I know that the time has come for them to be stickied. I hope you consider. Best regards, FeatherHunter or Jerad Meriweather