My name is snowman and I'm a mole. I've been a mole for 3 years now. It all started when a friend say hey you want to be a mole and my noobish self I said yes. So that is why I'm here
Why has this not got locked yet? So much for mods wanting respect. I've seen more relevant and factual threads locked quicker than this rubbish
Im going to entertain this lol... It's not such a far fetched Idea. Moles are real. As for the actual threat they represent; who knows? "Every time a clan reaches 150 members"-Obviously, this includes Sub/family clans- Lets say a collective group players tries to execute said downfall of KaW. How hard would it be for 15 players to develope a main and two alts each? Thats 45 moles ready to infiltrate a slew of large clans and get chummy with a bunch of influential players. Whispering in thier council's ears, making it to the council table themselves, becoming shot callers who intentionally call wrong shots, trading info with thier mole brethren. Its also completely possible that nothing like this is happening at all. This forum could be a troll, or it could be the absolute truth. Not much to do about it though unless you enjoy being paranoid. If executed properly, we would never uncover such a ploy until it was too late
Just like how the president is just a face to the actual societies that call all the shots, and the race is all just a big show for people to focus on for months to avoid looking too closely at real issues.