Enter Elite-ghoomba, Anonymous_1234 and bowser. Anon: What do we do now? Bowser: Sleep. Anon: Seriously. Bowser: Sleep. Ghoomba: Anon go fetch me some champagne. Exit Anonymous_1234. Ghoomba: So what do we do now? Bowser: Sleep. Ghoomba: [groaning] Can't we capture peach or something?! Bowser: Oh yeh I forgot let's go catch that new maiden, outdoortoast. Enter Anonymous_1234 with champagne. Anon: Did I just hear u say toast? Bowser: Yes. Anon: [cheering] Let's go capture her! Bowser: After I sleep. Exit bowser. Anon: [sighing] Can we go capture toast? Ghoomba: [shaking his head] Can't risk being caught, the boss is very strict sometimes. Enter a random ghoomba. Random ghoomba: The troops are gathered. Anon: Go away. Exit random ghoomba. Anon: Well I don't care I'm going after toast. Ghoomba: [shaking his head] I have higher clearance than you. Anon: Fine I'll go pick up some supplies then. Exit Anonymous_1234. Elite-ghoomba sighs and exits at other end.
Chapter 2.2 As everyone entered wall mart Mario noticed there was only 1 package of wonder bread left. Mario: We must get the bread Luigi: Yeah let's do this Just then something big emerged from the shadows! Bowers: RAWRRR!!! King Ghoomba quickly went for the bread but Bowser Jr. cut him off. Mario: Let's do this for toast! Luigi: Charge!!! As they both ran Mario thought of something. Mario: There's enough bread for us all to have toast. Mini Ghoo: We want it all! Mario: You guys lose anyways so just take the deal. Bowser: How do we know you aren't gonna stab us in the back? Mario: I'm the good guy I can't do that. Bowser Jr: (runs off and grabs butter) All of them walk out and have outdoortoast after starting a campfire. Bowser: This is good King Ghoomba: Yes it is. They all enjoyed their toast then a giant battle broke out but nobody cares about that do they? The End Star-shock
Chapter 2 Enter Mario, Luigi and Peach. Peach: This place stinks! Luigi: That's why it's called the sewers. Mario: Shush! Enter Anonymous_1234. Luigi: You again! Anon: Now now calm down I don't want to fight you. Luigi: Well I do! Anon: No no I just want a truce. Peach, Mario and Luigi: A truce!? Anon: Yep, it cones to my mind that we both want to get rid of Bowser so we should do it together. Mario: Wait, why do you want to get rid of Bowser? Anon: Duh! He treats us like slaves! Luigi: Oh. Anon: How about it? Mario: Well, you've backtracked us before. Like the battle of Dundun. Anon: What? Mario: The place where the ghoominions joined Bowser. Anon: Oh that was my uncle actually. Peach: I gotta pee. Exit Peach. Anon: Anyway I'm offering you something else too. Mario: What? Anon: [shows a picture of outdoortoast] We'll find her together too. Luigi: [shocked] Deal! Mario: [thinking of Peach] Um, ok. Anon: I knew you would accept. Enter Peach. Peach: Mario! The toilet won't flush come on use your plumbing skills! Exit Peach, Mario and Luigi. Anon: Those fools.