The LOEV Book

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III_LoneWolf_III, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. LOEV SUX! 
  2. Wow do you guys suck at this game so bad you have to troll threads really I feel sorry for you
  3. Lol, was that supposed to make us feel bad? What are you, 9? We aren't trolling. We're just telling the truth: your guide sucks.
  4. The trolling hasn't even started yet. We're just pointing out all the flaws and incongruities in your guide. Next time you try to be helpful, well, here's a tip:

  5. Nice reply did your friends help you with that
  6. If I had friends, yes. But since I don't, all I do Is spend time with your mum instead.
  7. No, but it's evident that it took you a couple minutes just to think of that shitty reply.
  8. Is this an english exam don't think so troll
  9. Once again, we aren't trolls. We are just pointing out the flaws in your guide.

    Think about it this way:

    If you had a set of instructions for a bookcase, would you want the instructions to be typed like this:

    put you're nayl in teh would.
  10. Don't think so troll? Did you even bother to use your brain? Child, just stop failing now.
  11. Lol, have they finally realized that this guide sucks?
  12. I don't think so, let's keep it alive.

  13. Lol! Keep the LOEV Living