'The Last of Us' Who do you want to see in it?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MK_IRISH_REBEL_MK, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. I am usually behind the rest of the cultured world on news of this sort, and the speculation on the semi-confirmed Last Of Us movie has been no different. Those of you that have played the game will know that it is very character and story driven, the movie in order to appease us Last Of Us fans, will have to choose a cast to at least match the brilliant caliber of acting from the games voice actors. I believe that Josh Brolin or Hugh Jackman should play Joel, and Maisie Williams (Arya Stark from GOT) should play Ellie. What are your thoughts?
  2. The last of them
  3. I like your choices... But as a sluard I am required to say Nic Cage should play every role. Great game BTW. Hopefully a great movie if they do in fact make it
  4. I just cant see Cage as a gruff rough character like Joel.
  5. Hugh Jackman or the guy in red dawn...
  6. Another thing to note, the movie will be written by the games script writer.
  7. ^ that's a relief. The game was well written.
  8. I wanna see peewee Herman in it
  9. Please no trolls, or clickers
  10. You clicked on the thread, read the op, found a stupid meme and posted it in a poor attempt at trying to be funny. Who cares you ask? You obviously did.

    Fantastic game btw. Played the remastered version for the PS4 and beat it in 2 days because I couldn't put it down.

  11. Hugh Jackman and some hot girl cos they're hot
  12. Lol, i would cry. Solid actors are needed to play these roles. Looks alone wont work, also Ellie is only 14, i sense a creep.
  13. Never played the game :lol:
    So didn't realise they were young :oops:

    In this case.. Prim from the hunger games
  14. Lol it ok Delta, you didnt mean to sound paedophillic.
  15. Loved this game will be interesting to see who they cast. Dylan McDermott was who came to my mind for Joel. Idk about Ellie she just annoyed me the whole game. Lol
  16. I respect your opinion but totally disagree with it. I loved Ellie's character, it contrasted perfectly with Joel's.