This Time Line is wrong, there was much bigger clans before Zaft and IG, Council of Valhalla was a top clan and so was Fallen Angels, hmm
Bigger before IG?.... You're aware that IG was the FIRST clan? And COV was literally never big? Ever.
Lol well you came to the right place. There is more written about him than mejesty, teja, Laoda, and Red Star combined.
Lol deadly! Nice thread tho uni. Btw, that name was scarletshadow. Who could forget that incident. Tp might still see scarlet in his dreams. Lol
May 1 2012. You forgot about me asshole. FarmFest isn't the only cause of iG family war. Better go ask some history from that day. You even forgot the not Wilson army and the discounted iTunes scam. Don't worry. Time may erase many memories. As for the ones here I'm sure they remember. I guess it's balloon time for kaw again
Awesome thread!! So many memories!! All I need is my rocking chair! That first war with iG was freakin awesome! Trishssi was an amazing player and formidable foe who is also long gone from the game but like so many others deserves a moment of tribute. TheLady (aka LadyPamela ) KaWing since Nov 2009
Seeing as I have been mentioned... I am the original Assassin of AG and was not asked about how the guild was set up and our motives. To clarify the guild was given by devs for achievements made by the original AG members during the first war, so you can see that foxes and IG weren't the only group out there to get their grubby paws on such a nice trophy. AG was set up to make money real and fake and we accomplished this not by extortion as has been reported but by being approached to farm certain individuals. It was a money making guild and we did very well in both respects. The guild worked out how to cover tracks on super farming individuals so as to only give up one member if the group normally that would be myself, due to the rep I had accrued over the first year most people left with tail between legs. We were a reasonably secretive guild, I had figured out early on that information was being leaked from our guild war room and so we used a third party app and called a silence in that room( devs weren't as devious as us). There's to much to go into about the guild needless to say we as a guild and that's all and past members were responsible for helping the game grow into a war game, unfortunately the devs had to make money other ways and were losing a bit of money from cash cows that on one or two occasions were so blinded by the fact that they needed to win that they ended up broke in real life( now there's some history for you all... Ask around there were two individuals and also one that jacked a few cards). With the onset of plunder wars and all the other naff updates it changed the game to a friendly swap and switch guild contest that I personally lost interest in. I believed that it would have generated more cash with a few tweaks in other directions, some of the ideas were passed on. I've only come on here to put one or two things straight about how we came to be and to have a little dig here and there.... Nice to see Ahdragos the flasher on here... Lock up your kiddies as he's one to flash and laugh about it. As for other people that were missed off the list: Jitensha and randyv both of whom were devs and played the game well especially when we brokered the downfall of raven. Nice to know that the devs enjoyed screwing with the game back then in 2009. Tornado, niteterror choke and mick should also be remembered if not for their farming abilities then for their verbal diatribe that usually had me cackling away. To the world of kaw, I hope you enjoy the game the way I used to and that there are still a few ballsy farmers out there that will farm strip cuss and generally play the bad guy. Assassin.