Maybe make it obvious by a spell then first one to get the last hit in(maybe remove dtw for the juggernaut)steals the spell when juggernauts get a huge bonus to spy def and atk def.Needs to be in consideration the bigger builds can smash through the small juggernauts (make crystals disabled also for juggernaut) just suggestions if any of these ideas help in the thread.
Absolutely, all ideas help for the thread. You've pointed out some great considerations and yes I think xtals should be disabled for JG.
Idk.. It's a little too secretive if only the juggernaut knows they are the juggernaut. You would have to aimlessly hit randoms, with a 5% chance you'll actually find one.
warring as a juggernaut shouldent be allowed since it gives 1 team an unfair advantage to have a tank with any type of build
I had a 5minute post that didn't go through The jist of it is A. Make it a spell that can be stolen by whoever zeros troops and spies B. Have a juggernaut holder announced every 30 seconds over wc so both juggernauts and juggernaut hunters have to stay active (this completely removes the "unload and leave" every hour and makes the game interesting and brings the community alive Make a small reward for those who don't get the spell (because it's going to be hard obviously) but hit spell holders maybe 5% plunder and drops for a day so everyone wins and make it so spell holders get 5% one day bonus too for getting the spell (incase that they are zeroed immediately after getting the spell so they get something) D. Have a leaderboard for whoever holds the spell the longest ammount of time that week (so even f2p players and players of any size can get on it and a all time lb for holders Two negatives of this though is that 1. If there is no dtw a ps can just open for attacks and it will be like pwars all over again 2. If there is a stat boost then mostly bigger players then the build that got the spell will win eventually leaving only the lb with spells
I actually think it's unfair to the team that gets the juggernaut because the other team can just plunder the juggernaut for insane ammounts of gold while the juggernauts only option is to self pin giving the other team the juggernaut
Some people don't want to pay for xtals, and this gives an incentive to be on kaw and get involved in the community for more than one hour, You're not benefiting this thread in anyway...
This idea is amazing! Would rock in events but not in everyday KaW life as some people don't want to be involved like EB fairies, small people focused on growing etc... Would be so fun if it could be an event or a special war that only happened like once a week! 100% Support if it was a new kind of event or war. Great idea buddy