The KaW Handbook

Discussion in 'Guides' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Re: The KaW Handbook- Updated

    lol, dilly. if u wanted posts, u shoulda said "everyone spam this thread" at the end :D
    also, when you enter a referral code, you get 5 nobility. dont forget that xD
  2. Re: The KaW Handbook- Updated

    Grats on clearing 100, Dilly! This is the best thread EVER! :D

    ~ Amy (aka Moiriana ;)
  3. Re: The KaW Handbook- Updated

    I'd like to propose a new term for all of KaW to be able to use:
    RC - reset complete.
    We've already got LC and BC, and yet nobody seems to ever know how to ask if you're RC in less than 3 full wall posts. This makes it simple:
    You can be 400/200 and RC, or you can be RCLCBC.

    Also, I propose we shorten RCLCBC to reset/land/build complete (RLBC).
  4. Re: The KaW Handbook- Updated

  5. Re: The KaW Handbook- Updated

    I'm sorry sun I can't see that catching along. I've never heard anyone call themselves reset complete anyway.
  6. Can you please tell me if allies help in doin quests
  7. No they don't melly
  8. holy crap! Never realized how amazing this is! Nicely done dillybar!
  9. Thanx Dilly for making a great guide for a noob like myself n thanx to all who had assisted to make it e greatest guide ever U GUYS ROCK!!
  10. To all noobs like myself.. Plz read this guide n have fun in KAW LAST BUMP FRM ME!!!
  11. I think the what this guide is saying is how amazing dillybar is 
  12. I 110% agree with ya bro
  13. It's stickied no need for a 
  14. My 2800th post and the thread's 120th post
  15. You're gonna make me cry again :(