Excellent thread! I only noticed two errors so far 1. where it describes max plunder and says you have to have lots of allies... You only actualy need one, if it costs enough. Ally plunder is based on the total cost of all your allies added together. A hundred cheaper allies or one more expensive ally produce the exact same plunder so long as their total cost is the same. If you look at some players, like BigTroubieInLittieChina, it's possible to get max ally plunder from a single ally, provided you volley it high enough. In some cases, that is the preferred method. 2. The overall lb description is not entirely accurate. It's based primarily on a combination of total current power (buildings plus allies) AND your number of victories. Victores are actually very significant, so should maybe be mentioned. Other than that, didn't see any omissions or mis-statements. One thing I would do different is to not suggest that people quest away all their troops, ever, except for if they're not going to play more for at least 45 mins or an hour or whatever. That's a personal opinion thing, but the method I recommend is to regen troops to full, and whatever quest is the easiest one available labeled "very difficult", to do it only 3 times, and then regen and repeat. It's maybe an oversimplification, but keeping troops near full is the way to make the most money questing as it yields the highest success rate on quests that pay well.
Oh yeah! And you said farming is more than 5 hits a day. Pretty much everybody except noobs agree that 5 hits a day is a courtesy and is acceptable cool play, and going over is just being aggressive and maybe asking for trouble. Farming, however, occurs over a much longer period of time. Like, 20 hits twice a day, or 5 hits 10 times a day, or full troop dumps every day for weeks or months. That's real farming. Exceeding 5 hits is just playing aggressively and without "courtesy".
Ok thanks a lot tmh. I will add those in... Except I think I'll leave the 5 hits farming thing. Just cause I don't wanna be teaching players to farm. Maybe I'll say "over 5 hits is considered rude, over 10 is farming"
Too many new ppl don't accept that unwritten rule kaw is changing when i first started everyone followed the 5 hit rule..... Kaw is attracting some "diffrent " players
Holy crap Dilly! Very impressed - now I know what you do with your spare time I will certainly be referring any new players I come across to this thread. A couple of things which I couldn't see in the handbook but seem to be fairly common questions worth covering: 1) refund % when selling pots 2) refund % when dropping allys 3) refund %/amount when selling buildings 4) explain when a new building is built that it takes a full regen cycle to fill it with troops Again, well done mate! Vote Dillybar for Moderator! woot