The KaW Handbook

Discussion in 'Guides' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. For the hansel build do u still need allies
  2. Yes you do. Otherwise you won't make any plunder.

  3. Thanks for writing this. It is my goto for everything KaW. We're all lucky to have it!!!
  4. Is the hansel build good for being an osf
  5. Slang law jaw paw = kaw
  6. Slight delay on the guide. Sorry it'll be a few more days.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to do this it's really helped me xx
  8. Hey dillybar, you should update it with the new tier 4 buildings...

    17th Land in Fact is two times more expensive, and I suppose the next ones are more expensive as well...
    17th Land is 200kk
  10. Noob question: has anyone updated the handbook on the new T4 buildings, stats, types of builds and upgrades?
  11. I'm working on an update Now guys
  12. Great guide. Keep up the good work
  13. Np. Update is out
  14. Question. How do I post wall art, And how do I put emercons in my clan messages. Can you post answer on my WALL, please. Thanks. I have emercons, and I play on a Itouch.