The KaW Dictionary

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Dont use bots or you will be banned(see ban)lol
  2. What does FTW mean if u know plz wall me and tell me thx
  3. I read it all๎„…๎„…
  4. I read it all xd
  5. You forgot noob/newb
  6. Don't forget turtle build
  7. Turtle Build is a build.....not an Abbv....
  8. Herp derp spam BUMP
  9. pro dragon assasin - fail war clan
  10. Bump for my newest soldier
  11. Here's one join century
  12. This was really good but I laughed when I read "Go" ๎’

    Everyone knows what "Go" means lol
  13. New KAW lingo: Frogging--jumping back & forth in clan rank with your favorite competitor
  14. What about "Hansel" and I like alot
  15. I don't know what a hansel is add it
  16. You forgot "Noob" and "Newb"!
  17. Wow! really good! helped me a lot :)