The KaW Dictionary

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. A castle can be upgraded. Can't it
  2. Yeah. But this was made before castles could be upgraded.
  3. :shock: old thread
  4. Well done I luv that and I recommend you for a moderator
  5. Castle can be upgraded
  6. What does ss and cba mean cuz that ain't included
  7. Not all of those are right lol
  8. Gross!!! Somebody let out a sticky!!!!!
  9. ty, this is most helpful
  10. i feel as if i have lost brain cells and become stupid now that i have read this idiots dictionary. you need to get a life
  11. Cant believe you just said that to Dilly -.-

    Youre dead to me!!
  12. In the a's section you forgot alt
  13. Good job!
  14. Castles can be upgraded
  15. C2=castle upgraded
    Mith=stuff for the alchemist
    HcBc=highland complete build complete
  16. This was made BEFORE castles could be upgraded for the people complaining.