The KaW Dictionary

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Lot of words 
  2. Wow you
    Must be a fast typer but I am to lazy to read it
  3. U forgot eb for epic battles
  4. You missed trolling
  5. Cool m8 And thx
  6. Good dictionary. I think you should also add:
    Hansel - A type of build, where the player has only 1 attack building and the rest spy buildings.

    Other than that it's awesome 
  7. Dilly, also put in mithril and the alchemist
  8. Mith -> mithril
    Meth -> when you have tons of mith (and u get high on it xD)
  9. Nice dictionary
  10. Good dictionary I just noticed it I was gonna make one to :( o well u beat me well done lol :)
  11. How about alt?
  12. Thanks for posting his dictionary, It's very helpful and informative.
  13. Castles can now be upgraded u should add that
  14. That was long. Btw u need to update a few things for the newbies joining this year, thanks! :3
  15. Wow good job and now im extra tired
  16. Very rare when there is something worth reading here. Needs a little cleaning, but a good job. Well done