The KaW Dictionary

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by CoS-Dillybar, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Hey dilly plz wall me the awnser to this question how long does it usually take a dev to reply to your request to become a Mod
  3. Damnit
  4. Oh wait wrong thread
  5. That's a waste of your time
  6. The dump one should be unload I think because thats what people seem to use more often
  7. Trojans: mercenaries you let join you're clan but the are acting as a farm hired buy the other clan
  8. Not to you're knolege of course
  9. Ty this is really helping me
  10. Blarg

  11. My friend asked me to bump it. :D
  12. Even though it's stickied?
  13. Lol its a favor dude :)[​IMG]
  14. My friends a bit slow... :D
  15. Awesome! 
  16. Thank you. It helps to know the meaning of Some of the terms used
  17. Fantastic guide. Thank you very much
  18. This needs to be changed!!!  the castle can now b upgraded
  19. ty helped a lot