The KaW Color, Font, and Picture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoS-Dillybar, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Size=999 THANKS \Size
  2. Will this work?
  3. In ur font list the size one didnt work 4 me, does it work on clan chat, and do u need the brackets or capital letter. thanks :)
  4. hope this works
  5. will it work [\size]
  6. [color=dark red] Sexwulf [/color
  7. Forgot the last bracket
  8. [color=dark red] Sexwulf [/color]
  9. Hey
    by Sexwulf (not really)

    How goes it?
  10. it didnt work[red]
  11. thanks alot[\Color]